Right I am having fish in white sauce tonight. Off to defrost the fish now.
Hope you enjoy it, Bren.:)

Have woken to snow, not too much but as it was forecast cold overnight, it will be slippy out there, I reckon. Throat a bit raw so easy to eat stuff today.

Off to the village library later to cover the new books (just bought before Christmas) and expecting that to last all morning so no time for exercise, will have to wait until this afternoon).

Food today, PV conso

B - Dukan porridge and apple
L - veg soup (with chicken stock from last night's chicken) with a chicken breast (also saved from last night) shredded in it, bread and cheese
D - smoked salmon, omelette, fromage blanc, another apple
I so don't get Conso envy... (I can't believe how restrained you are! It frightens me to bits knowing that's what I must do if I hope to duplicate what you've achieved!!)

Robin - I thought of you this morning ref Stabilisation. In the French book, in Stabilisation, he talks of the PP day being more plain than in Cruise or Conso. (Interestingly, he doesn't in the English book!). So I'll look it out for you to be certain - perhaps Anja remembers - but I distinctly remember that salmon and smoked salmon weren't ok, or any tolerated foods... (So if you thought PP in Conso was tough, in Stab it's harder still... but it all makes sense really. Calories do count in real life and so PP Thursday needs to be lightest if eating "normally" all week I s'pose.

I'm jealous of your snow...
Hi Laura,

you had a great time as far as Conso is concerned. Much more restrained than me :)

Yes Jo is right the PP in stab is a killer, he does spell out restricted amounts of salmon, and also waffles on about milk sugar (all in the English book) so I think I have read between the lines on the French forums that people are having chicken and white fish, and only one egg yolk with unlimited whites, and seriously restricted dairy too... As I said in my dairy I will be starting some notes soon. It also depends on how much you need to 'balance' the rest of your week of course. Anyway I look forward on us embarking on the next stage more or less together!
It's still snowing but is less cold too, so stopped lying now and what was lying has turned/is turning to slush.

I'm not THAT restrained, Jo - I wasn't restrained at all over Christmas and I sometimes have an extra or two (I should edit my menus and note everything down when that happens). The menu today is a bit bland - there's coleslaw that was meant for tonight but I don't think my throat would appreciate the vinegar so I'm passing (will have it tomorrow).

Jo and Anja, thanks, I'd remembered that tolerated items were to be dropped for PP stab and that salmon was too fatty to be used really.

So... PP stab typically would be (to cut fat and lactose)

B - Dukan porridge made with water
L - one egg and extra whites omelette, fromage blanc
D - fish or chicken (or both for special occasions;))


(staying on conso....)
Stab PP sounds delightful - not.

Guess it can be a bit trial and error, if you're reasonably good the rest of the week, and exercising enough the pp might not need to be so strict.....

Excited to hear how it goes anyway.
Good idea, Jaqys. Will do more exercise on PP days as a trade-off for being allowed milky porridge!

Not looking forward to Thursdays if I have to eat so little (and worse, unexciting meals). I think I'd rather cut back two days (do 2 normal PV) rather than do 1 very strict PP - that will be another idea to juggle with.
That sounds sensible and less yoyo-ey.
A very strict day worries me about leading to a binge the day before or after....
Here you go Robin... oh and we didn't mention the 3 x tablespoons of bran daily once in Stab.

En stab => Choix des aliments : Les viandes maigres (exclu donc le porc et l'agneau). Privilégier le cheval et le veau (mais bien cuite). Pour le boeuf, le faux-filet, le contre-filet, l'araignée et la bavette doivent être évités car trop gras. Pas de steak hachés 10% de mg mais 5% maximum.
Poissons et fruits de mers : les poissons bleus et gras ne seront plus acceptés pour ce jeudi protéiné. Privilégier fruits de mer (sauf huitre) et poisson blanc.
Volaille : tout sauf canard et oie, sans peau.Pour le poulet, éviter les ailes, les hauts de cuisse et le croupion.
Les oeufs : même si le jaune est gras, le blanc étant de la protéine pure, l'ensemble de l'oeuf reste utilisable pour ce jeudi protéine. Cependant, pour les sujets difficiles à stabiliser, ou si la semaine a été particulièrement chargée, retirer les jaunes au cours de cette journée (ou alors un jaune pour 2 blancs)
Laitages maigres : Eviter les yahourts, privilégier le fromage blanc qui apporte plus de protéines. (Aucune limitation de quantité)
L'eau : 2L minimum !! (contre 1,5L en croisière ou en conso) Pour une plus grande efficacité du jeudi pp
Le sel : Le jeudi PP devra être le plus pauvre en sel possible (différent de la simple réduction imposée au cours des 3 phases précédentes)
Protéines en poudre : peuvent se substituer à l'un des deux repas principaux du jeudi pp pour en renforcer l'efficacité
Sons : 3 cuillères de son d'avoine par jour, à vie.
Here you go Robin... oh and we didn't mention the 3 x tablespoons of bran daily once in Stab.

En stab => Choix des aliments : Les viandes maigres (exclu donc le porc et l'agneau). Privilégier le cheval et le veau (mais bien cuite). Pour le boeuf, le faux-filet, le contre-filet, l'araignée et la bavette doivent être évités car trop gras. Pas de steak hachés 10% de mg mais 5% maximum.
Poissons et fruits de mers : les poissons bleus et gras ne seront plus acceptés pour ce jeudi protéiné. Privilégier fruits de mer (sauf huitre) et poisson blanc.
Volaille : tout sauf canard et oie, sans peau.Pour le poulet, éviter les ailes, les hauts de cuisse et le croupion.
Les oeufs : même si le jaune est gras, le blanc étant de la protéine pure, l'ensemble de l'oeuf reste utilisable pour ce jeudi protéine. Cependant, pour les sujets difficiles à stabiliser, ou si la semaine a été particulièrement chargée, retirer les jaunes au cours de cette journée (ou alors un jaune pour 2 blancs)
Laitages maigres : Eviter les yahourts, privilégier le fromage blanc qui apporte plus de protéines. (Aucune limitation de quantité)
L'eau : 2L minimum !! (contre 1,5L en croisière ou en conso) Pour une plus grande efficacité du jeudi pp
Le sel : Le jeudi PP devra être le plus pauvre en sel possible (différent de la simple réduction imposée au cours des 3 phases précédentes)
Protéines en poudre : peuvent se substituer à l'un des deux repas principaux du jeudi pp pour en renforcer l'efficacité
Sons : 3 cuillères de son d'avoine par jour, à vie.

Wow, Jo, that's definitely much more info than the English version gives you! Quite scary - not even any yoghurt! Still, it would be worth it to keep the weight down. Thanks so much for posting.
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DD, when I did the diet on a French site at first, the girls would recommend sticking to fat free fromage blanc rather than yoghurts as the fromage blanc has no sweetener in it. The problem with the fat free yoghurts, even natural ones if one then adds sweetener, is that they maintain our sweet tooths... I quite like fromage blanc as it comes as it has a creamier consistency than yoghurt, and will have a splodge on my steak tonight as a "sauce"!

I'm trying to get people to post their Cruise menus again, but most menus on this site have few dairy mentions so I presume people don't eat dairy or desserts (or forget to mention it!!)
I have a portion of dairy with each meal (have cut down a bit on quantites compared to pre-Dukan though). It's not really 'exciting' dairy and I have too much milk most days too, so don't follow my example!

Thanks for the info - I had retained the 3 tbs of OB as the only positive thing on stab!
Laura, can I ask were you ultra good during the 12 weeks that you lost your 9.5 kg's? I ask because it is our summer now and I have two events in which i need to go out socially and I am wanting to have a glass of wine at both. As for food I think I can manage PV meals out easily enough. I have 8kg's to loose and Dukan site says I can be a goal around early March to mid March. I am just nervous about not loosing and getting to goal really.

Bren, I was very good at home - didn't cheat at all (unless meal with friends invited here that I had to alter for me using more tolerateds than allowed or maybe some fruit, etc although made an exception for my birthday and had pizza/beer, etc:eek:)! Eating with friends is such a big part of our lives that I decided I would be restrained but that I would not 'diet' as such if we were invited out but have a little of everything (bit like conso gala meal) so that the invitations didn't stop because I'd offended and/or not eaten anything.

I wouldn't advise it as a regular thing, but I didn't want to not go out as I'd have had no social life and the majority of people here don't really 'get' diets - they have no cause to even think about them though! One friend did know I was on a diet though and made it almost Dukan-friendly for me!

Also, Dukan said I'd be at goal mid-September and I suspect that I would have been had I stuck to plan religiously. As it was, it took an extra month - not a big deal for me if I'm honest, but don't want anyone reading to think it's OK to cheat and it won't matter because everyone's different and I suspect I was quite lucky. Also to weigh up whether 2 extra PP days isn't too heavy a price to pay for one meal (I'd be gutted to have to do 2 PP days now to compensate for my gala meal, especially as I have 2 per week).

So food today -

PV conso + carbs

B - porridge and apple
L - tuna 'mayonnaise' with small baked potato and coleslaw, orange
S - bread and cheese
D - roast chicken with veg of some sort, yogurt
Thank you, Jo - the most perfect timing as I've had a wee look and there's a sticky for all 4 phases! Definitely won't need the book now:D (although it will drive me mad thinking where it is - lost the kids' Christmas books that I'd bought a few years back and still not found them - neither have the kids, so real waste of money).
How frustrating re all those books lost... might they be together somewhere? in the loft?

Glad to have been able to help. I still use the site but just in one thread! Loads of information and support on there. Some of the girls have consolidated and stabilised really well.
No loft, Jo (well, we do but eldest son sleeps in it - it's been converted, we don't just lock him up there. Actually, that possibility would be tempting at times...) Anyway, have written the books off, they'd not be interested in them now anyway - far too babyish.

Just realised that conso finishes for me in a fortnight (but will depend on the scales - may continue until the end of the month if not on track) so will start to think of plan of action for phase IV. Bit scary!
wow Laura your going great guns hun xxx