Stabilization CONSOSTAB (shared diary)

The cake looks fabulous. I already have a cake mould from Alsace which is exactly the right kugelhopf shape, too! :)

Ha thanks and it did taste super - this one will come out again. Normally I just make a chocolate marble cake in that tin, but I think the cherry version will be the new 'standard' :D:D

Sounds like you're feeling more confident and back in the swing of things, Anja. Your menus are fantastic - especially the genius idea of using jelly as jam!

The jelly as jam thing: at first I laboriously made myself some jelly with fruit teas (as per French recipe, not overly successful), the idea that there could be commercial jelly that fulfilled the job never occurred to me! Well thank you very much for Hartley Low-cal FF and SF jelly :D:D which I only discovered a few months ago (despite everyone here talking about then on a regular basis), as I'm not normally very keen on jelly... But it livens up quark and yoghurt, especially on a PP day!
Aside from the cake (ugh I can't abide CHERRIES in a cake!!!), all your recipes, ideas and menus looks fascinating to me and always so varied. Do family members give you a hand at . I am delighted you've reposted some menus. While I understood your needing to take a step back and "normalise" your food life by not posting manically each day, I for one need to see the effort and restraint that has to go into a "normal person"'s weekly food intake to come out of that week with weight relatively intact.

OK you had a bit of this and that but you didn't then do a Jo <oh 'eck, here we go, let's eat loads now and restart tomorrow!> You had whatever, then reined in the following day. Reading your menus inspires me and even encourages me to be reminded that your level of diligence and dedication and constant monitoring IS required if one is to have a chance of maintaining one's weight loss.

But if you don't have time... perhaps just the odd peek like now would keep my curiosity
Best of luck for the concert, am sure you'll sound wonderful.

Jo I dont like cherry anything apart from cherries themselves, same with bananas.
Reading your menus inspires me and even encourages me to be reminded that your level of diligence and dedication and constant monitoring IS required if one is to have a chance of maintaining one's weight loss.

But if you don't have time... perhaps just the odd peek like now would keep my curiosity

Ok I'll TRY MY BEST :) the thing is that I find it quite hard to remember in detail further back than about 2 days. Bah you get past 40 and all you faculties go ;) - my eyes are worst - really noticeable deterioration this year :(
Excellent! We'll say every other day then ;) just so that you don't forget, you understand ;)

I don't really like any fruit messed around and would sooner have a piece of fruit in my hand (and the pie or crumble, custard and cream on the side) any day!
Your menus are so much more adventurous than mine, Anja. I seem to have the same things quite often.

Enjoy the holidays with family and your concert too.:)
Your menus are so much more adventurous than mine, Anja. I seem to have the same things quite often.

Enjoy the holidays with family and your concert too.:)

Thanks yes I will! the menus - I *am* making a special effort these couple of weeks but the rest of the time as I'm cooking for the whole family mostly, I need to keep it varied or the kids get too used to one thing they like and start refusing other dishes etc...

Excellent! We'll say every other day then ;) just so that you don't forget, you understand ;)

I don't really like any fruit messed around and would sooner have a piece of fruit in my hand (and the pie or crumble, custard and cream on the side) any day!

Ok, just for you, adjusted menu today

B: dukan porridge inc linseed and a fruit yoghurt
S: graze box (fruit and nut, 40gr, 120 cal)
L: WM roll with Salami, a portion of beef and vegetable stew . 2 plums (unadulterated ;))
S: (probably not needed) yoghurt
D: Spagetti bolognese. Egg Custard (maybe)
S: 1 biscuit & hot choc - likely

PLUS: just now, a little chocolate egg as passed around by a colleague!

And I was in a good place this morning so I stepped on the scales after all and I had actually STS :D:D
Well done Anja on STS. :)

(I haven't bought the Easter chocolates yet, it's not even been on my radar. I consider myself cured;).)
Isn't that brilliant! (40g fruit n nut isn't much, I'm guessing... when I used to shovel in a family bar, I never weighed it first!)
Isn't that brilliant! (40g fruit n nut isn't much, I'm guessing... when I used to shovel in a family bar, I never weighed it first!)

We're not talking chocolate bars here though - just a small handful of dried fruits and nuts- cranberries, apricots and macadamias - yum yum ;-) the choclate egg was a separate item (very yum!)

Yes I was a bit surprised but very happy at the result this morning. So it shows again how up and down your weight can be: some weeks I try so hard to be super-good and I end up gaining, these last two weeks I am quite relaxed and I STS. Go figure....
Maybe it's a calorie thing now, when you are super good you're too low and the body hangs on to what you give it a bit longer.
Thanks jaqys - yes I suppose I need to remind myself that the dukan principle per se does not apply here any more - I'm well out of it now, even though still following Conso rules, but my protein intake has gone nearer 'normal' now, as my Fruit & Veg intake has increased...

I have noticed the joints in my fingers aching for the first time this 'winter', I put that down to not having fish every day (nearly) but only every few days (esp less Salmon now). We did have Fish pie tonight though :D
I think I need to look into Omega-3 supplements now...
Just for Jo, my food these last few days. My parents are here and have brought a host of goodies so I have been having some when everyone else was!

Anjas STAB food diary.

B: Muesli (4TB <80gr) with 1Tb oatbran & linseed.
S; banana cake (it has chocolate in it)
L: Vegetable Soup with pulses. Tiny slice of bread. 4 dried apricots.
S: Chocolate digestive
D: Dukan quiche with galette base, ham and leeks and including cheese ration. Lettuce & tomato salad. Yoghurt
Post-concert S: Diet hot choc, biscuit

B: Oatbran porridge and Kiwi fruit.
S: piece of banana cake
L: Boiled egg and steamed sprouting broccoli, bread with bresaola.
S: 1/2 Gaufre
D: Pork Loin steaks in mustard & fromfrais sauce, steamed Spinach, Quinoa. Fruit yoghurt
S: handful of dried fruit (plum, apricot, apple)

B: Pancake with 1 TB oatbran in it. Cottage cheese, yoghurt with linseed. Pear
Yes, no morning snack!
L; slice of roast beef and watercress & tomato salad. Bread, Cottage cheese. Fruit yoghurt
S: 1 home made ginger biscuit, muffins (‘scone style’ topped with quark & FF jelly!)
D; Fish Pie (full fat sauce with flour, butter and milk to probably make up more than a cheese ration), topped with parsnip mash. Fresh Plum
S: 2 biscuits

B; Oatbran and linseed porridge, apple and a bit of plain yoghurt
S: muffins, last piece of banana cake (the rest went in the freezer!)
L: Beetroot and herring salad. Chicken meatballs with tomato. Fruit yoghurt
D: Chilli con Carne with quinoa or baked potato.

What I need to add is that every morning (except THU) I have about ½ a glass of fresh fruit & veg juice, mostly apple& carrot but also pear, kiwi, beetroot (not all together!!). And if I forget to mention it there will be a TB of linseed lurking somewhere in my breakfast / morning snack (not thu).
On Friday I had some chocolate eggs, and I may well have missed a few details here and there (yes I know they could be the ones making the difference), but none involving chocolate, more likely a fresh plum or satsuma or a few pieces of dried fruit.

And yes, no alcohol.

Min meals coming up:

Tomorrow: Thai Takeaway Dinner – with wine maybe?
Thu: PP with baked Salmon for Dinner. Everyone else gets broccoli, cheese sauce and potatoes with theirs. We might have cottage cheese…
Fri: Moroccan chicken with couscous
Sat: can’t recall at the moment
Sun: Roasted Leg of Lamb lunch, chocolate Easter Eggs, Wine. A Gala Day I’m afraid.

Have a good week everyone! I don’t think I will weigh myself this Friday…

I want to add more about my mum and her progress, though I already put some in the Conso – Weight thread in the main part that Jo started. I might discuss more once I have had time to have a look at the 2010 French Dukan book that my mum brought with her.
Yum yum just had some nice takeaway Thai food with wholewheat noodles cooked at home. Nice compromise :D And a small glass of white wine.

Anyway just popping in to upload that picture I took & promised to show a couple of weeks ago. My 6 month maintaining update :D


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Gosh you are tiny :) Lovely to see you!! As for your menus, I only wish I lived closer. I often do end up in Cambs, to visit friends near Ely, but this time with the royal wedding, we're not coming over your way. Shame!

Have a lovely guilt free Easter. You've certainly earned it!
Gosh you are tiny :) Lovely to see you!! As for your menus, I only wish I lived closer. I often do end up in Cambs, to visit friends near Ely, but this time with the royal wedding, we're not coming over your way. Shame!

Do let me know if you ever do again though!

Enjoying my Easter now, won't elaborate but it involves chocolate eggs :D:D and lamb roast (not together!).

I can't leave the scales alone to weighed in on Friday - 200gr up on the week before which was expected and is not as bad as it could have been considering the relaxed week I already had UP TO Friday.

Hope everyone else is having a good break cruising or consolidating!