Stabilization CONSOSTAB (shared diary)

thank Jaqys! Well, not exactly SLIM, more like 'slim enough' :rolleyes:

DD: well I never managed the full 8oz, but I know what it looks like as a absolute total. what I mean is per day one 60gr bread (or other equivalent carb portion like lentils or pasta in soup) and one meal-sized carb portion at dinner time. the exact measure is probably something you have to figure out for yourself in the long run, starting with the 8oz as a maximum.
Don't worry, start it slowly with PhaseI Conso (1 carbPV a week, 1 Gala) and you'll see it's not as scary as you think!)
Sorry DD I got confused of course! Well as you can see stab is not much different from Conso really, only it's FOR LIFE (err) and in theory you can say 'yes' to all things, just not all the time. But yes, strict conso *is* easier :) there s no need to weigh up the pros and cons of having an 'extra' somewhere... Like that glass of wine calling me now ;-) - had one and a half last night and am defo having one tomorrow though, so none tonight I think.
Now I've got a nice meal planned tomorrow, plus a birthday (with cake!) coming up, *and* had a reasonably normal meal (ie not extra-low fat, and with some carbs) last night so I'm now being pre-emptive restrained, no extras today or tomorrow till evening and no extra carbs with the meal tonight (Salmon, posted in the recipes).
I recently found a healthy eating summary for maintaining you weight after a diet on a French health site, and it was NOT explicitly Dukan but what it described in detail was effectively a relaxed Conso approach (ie you don't have to have carbs with every meal, and don't have rich meals every day, control your cheese consumption etc)
Loving the read, Anja, and thanks for those two weigh ins which pretty much confirm what I remember from my time (when I continued to weigh in daily!!).
Two weeks into stab, can't see I've noticed any difference in clothes, etc despite dropping a little weight, so I think it's all water and of no consequence long-term.

Tuesday, so PV with cheese but no (extra) carbs and Thursday PV with no cheese.

It's raining here, no walk today!
DD, the loss was after a PP day (because we'd had a weekend away with non-Dukan food) but this week there have been no real excesses so I'll do a PV as normal (for me) Thursday.

Dr D would sack me for sure, I haven't stuck to the rules on any of the phases bar the first one;).

But, I am re-educated, so the end result is the same:D.
DD, the loss was after a PP day (because we'd had a weekend away with non-Dukan food) but this week there have been no real excesses so I'll do a PV as normal (for me) Thursday.

Dr D would sack me for sure, I haven't stuck to the rules on any of the phases bar the first one;).

But, I am re-educated, so the end result is the same:D.

Exactly. As long as it has worked out for you, that's the important thing. Don't worry about Dr D turning apoplectic because of your naughtiness! :D
Ha ha thank you very much! Ok - everyone get your sunglasses out, here comes the dazzling cake! It is a dark chocolate cake, made with dark chocolate (Noir de Noir from my CoteD'Or stash), ground almonds and I reduced the sugar so it balances well with the very sweet vanilla icing. A nice piece or two for me today and none tomorrow for sure!


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Oh yes, the decorating was not my job - that was my birthday surprise! DD1 started with a lovely pattern in smarties and then got a bit carried away with the sprinkles :-D
oooh how I envy you - in fact, I'm sure I'd have been awake half the night worrying about the leftovers had that been in MY kitchen! Is the Cote d'Or chocolate something you find difficult to find in England?
Lovely cake, Anja! We have lots of cake leftover too (I had some yesterday) but the kids will manage to finish it!

Good luck for PP day!
Thanks yes cake safely packed away! Two sick children at home today. One is getting better really, the other had a temp of 38.5 this morning...
PP day coming up no problem :) Prawns and turkey breast marinating away in the fridge (separately!). Egg-white muffins made...
DD1 is obviously aware of the fact that you can never have too many sprinkles, Anja. It's particularly important on birthdays, too. :)

Sorry to hear that the little ones aren't so well. Hope they're feeling much better soon.

I'm interested by your egg white muffin recipe. Please could you post it for me? Perhaps I need to go a little lighter with mine, and the "white" ones would be better for Attack, especially on the strict Stab (when I, hopefully, get there).
I'm interested by your egg white muffin recipe. Please could you post it for me? Perhaps I need to go a little lighter with mine, and the "white" ones would be better for Attack, especially on the strict Stab (when I, hopefully, get there).

Erm - my 'muffins' are really just variations on my 'bread' - and they're all posted in the recipe thread, and not exactly comparable with the lovely cakey things you bake. And instead of a whole egg I use an egg white only at times, and adjust yoghurt / fromfrais accordingly to get the right consistency. Today was a bit too 'wet'! And went like this:

2 tb Oatbran / 1 tb Wheatbran. 1 egg white, 1 pot WW toffee yoghurt (normally 1 TB quark/fromfrais), some sweetener, pinch of cinnamon, 1/8 ts baking soda.

Mix and put in silicone moulds to suit and microwave for ~3 mins.