Hello diary people - do I owe you an entry? I'm plodding along, not much to report. Todays result (which was not unexpected see below) has proved again that I need to keep my weekly weighing though to keep me in check. It's too easy (for me!) to become complacent.
Well this week I have gained >1lb - 63.6 up from 63 last Saturday.
Due to all sort of of things, another to put down to experience. No excuses but lots of stupid factors coming together, as well as too many extras again:
A very successful weekend with only one extra a day and good healthy lean meals and long walks.
Monday no swimming (broken car) no cycling (needed to go by car to choir to pick up two crates of stuff).
Monday's meal was quite generous: pork loin and apple stew, low fat but 2 apples each. Followed by a mini magnum type ice-cream...
Tuesday PM feeling rotten hence comfort eating: several choc biscuits and a small portion of rice pudding (made with full fat milk and sugar).
Wed fine, had one small choc brownie bite offered by a friend. Also had 4 dried apricots - transition issues again :-( (still)
Thu PP: evening meal included 150gr Tofu (that's 4% fat) that had been marinading in oyster sauce (poured away marinade), so not the leanest of days I could have had.
So this coming week is planned with lean meals and two more generous days:
Friday: grilled chicken & Veg & rice
Sat: Choir workshop day with bring & share lunch. Evening planned lean chicken stew no extra carbs.
Sun: Fish & courgette parcels
Mon: Beef stirfry
Tue: Pancake day. No comment

Wed: can't remember what I planned!!
Thu: PP: omelette with Prawns
What the Tuesday has shown is that I too can slip into the "ah well what's another extra now I've already done it" I didn't quite sit there with a box of biscuits or ice-cream in front of the TV but through the afternoon/evening I caved in just a few times too many and had something I fancied.
Ha ha now I need to get my head sorted in the run up to Easter!!