Stabilization CONSOSTAB (shared diary)

Erm - my 'muffins' are really just variations on my 'bread' - and they're all posted in the recipe thread, and not exactly comparable with the lovely cakey things you bake. And instead of a whole egg I use an egg white only at times, and adjust yoghurt / fromfrais accordingly to get the right consistency. Today was a bit too 'wet'! And went like this:

2 tb Oatbran / 1 tb Wheatbran. 1 egg white, 1 pot WW toffee yoghurt (normally 1 TB quark/fromfrais), some sweetener, pinch of cinnamon, 1/8 ts baking soda.

Mix and put in silicone moulds to suit and microwave for ~3 mins.

Thanks so much, Anja.

I shall definitely use that recipe for my stricter PP days during Stab, and will have a go at modifying my cakey muffins to make them more Dukan-friendly - a Compromise Muffin! :D

here we another week of *something* and another slight gain. Ok, so I had a birthday in there, and some indulgent puds but nevertheless it's a TREND now. I have been a bit lax recording (but not reporting on here) my weights, am trying to catch up now by ploughing through old posts, but I think it is/was:
today 63.3 :eek: (for Jo: yesterday morning 64.4 :eek:)
last week 63.1
before 62.9 (? and that was up 200 on the week before I think)

Hmm this past week looked like this:

Fri: normal conso: bread during the day and gala-ish meal (pork, not extra-lean, in a pitta, with shop-bought 'reduced fat' coleslaw, and a glass of wine)

Sat: PV no carbs (yes really), salmon for dinner

Sun PV conso: lentil soup at lunch time, no other extras all day, nice evening meal which was: stuffed chicken breast (extra-light cheese) wrapped in parma ham, fat trimmed off. With steamed veg, no extra carbs. Chocolate dessert that contained 1/4 bar of chocolate and butter and egg etc :eek:... Glass of Wine.

Mon: An enforced day at home with whining (yes, all day) DD2, it started well but by the afternoon I had eaten a biscuit or two. The Meal was also carby - my healthy cottage pie with lentils (the second half from the freezer).

Tue: PV, I managed no to stray despite another day at home. Can't recall the dinner! We had the second half of the chocolate pud (see explanation below) after I cam home from a particularly strenuous yoga session.

Wed: Birthday: PV plus birthday cake (more than one slice) and nice evening meal: 'normal' quiche, small portion of rice, cauli. No wine.

Yesterday: ultra-strict PP - I kept it to ~1000 cal. Another day at home with sick children, did not drink enough water.

The cocolate pud: it was intended to make it for just one meal. The recipe said makes 4 small or 2 large. By small I assumed the 100ml ramekins I use for baked custard. Well it made TWICE as much. So four 'medium' pots, which we had on two separate evenings.

Soooo what does this mean. I feel I need to get back to where I started, and last week clearly had too much chocolate in it.... On the other hand it gives me a measure on how to deal with celebratory weeks (or holidays for that matter!)

But it's been gaining on me week on week now so I really want to put a stop to that.

Today is planned as a normal conso day, with bread (finally!), and nice watercress omelette in the evening, but WITH cheese. And maybe one last slice of birthday cake.
Lunch: Smoked herring (tinned) with lettuce and cucmber salad, dark rye bread spread with quark&chives. A home made pot of stewed Rhubarb & (diet) custard.
During the day: oatbran muffins. Breakfast was Pancake (made with egg white only because of the omelette tonight), with a fruit Shape Zero yoghurt.

I will see if a less carb week can get me back on track. Next week is half-term so I'm also doing the nursery run with DD1 which means more cycling every day which is a good thing after several days of enforced idleness and no swimming this week because the kids were sick.

Someone, probably Jo posted a summary on how to get back on track if you needed to loose X, now I know I saved it but can't find it at the moment. I think for 1kg is said remove one carb portion from each day?

One day is going to put a spanner in the works - I have an important meeting on Thu and we're organising a light lunch. So I will probably be having a deli sandwich and a piece of fruit at the least. And move PP to Friday. It's the first time I've had to do that since embarking on Conso in September.
So definitely 'fussy Friday' next week!

BBRRRR it's cold here! there was an electrical fire in the canteen kitchen this morning and all the windows are wide OPEN (very open-plan building). I'm on my second coffee already to keep warm, wearing 2 cardies and fingerless gloves....

Have a good weekend everyone!!
Freezing here too.

Well done for keeping your eye on the ball. Hopefully a more restrained week will put you on track.

I know it was a looser week than you'd normally have but it really highlights just how tight a line needs to be followed in maintenance.
Its very interesting.
Makes me more inclined to start thinking more seriously about exercise and its a good reminder that its a lifetimes journey we're on not a quick fix.
I think you're being very severe with yourself for such a tiny fluctuation (I won't even qualify it as a "gain"). And have we forgotten that we are actually 2lbs under target?

Far from bemoaning a +200g, in your place, I'd be congratulating myself on such a GOOD week. Less exercise there, because of being at home with Miss Whiney... you admit to not enough H2O on your PP day... and the most restrained behaviour I've ever seen in my life on a birthday!

Dare I say it, but have you forgotten to increase your oatbran to 3 tablespoons now in Stabilisation?

One does not make radical changes such as cut out a portion of carbs for the sake of 200g. Or even 1K. Those sort of fluctuations are normal.

Instead, keep an eye on the extras that were creeping in previously (the odd extra biscuit... the mouthful of this or that...) but please don't radically overhaul a system which IS working.

Here endeth my lecture.
You should have watched the TV show "Bones" last night, Anja. When they cut into a giant chocolate bar, they found a corpse from which gushed out melted internal organs mixed with chocolate. I swear that it put me off the stuff for at least...oh...half an hour. ;-) (It really, really was disgusting!)

Anyway, short of aversion therapy, I think chocolate appears to be the downfall for both of us. It's a question of moderation again, isn't it. Having said that, this was a birthday week and not something you're likely to do all of the time. As you say, this could be a good exercise in learning how to deal with the aftermath of holidays.

Jo's right, though, you haven't put on a great deal and you were under your target to begin with. So I wouldn't panic too much. However, I can understand how you'd worry if the upward trend continued indefinitely.

Do you think that the relaxed PPs might not be working so well for you? It could be that this was just a more indulgent week than normal and that things will even out once you return to your usual eating habits.
Downfall DD? (need I remind you of the 5lbs under target?!!!).

If you wanna see "downfall", hang around until I get (back) into Conso!
Anja, I wouldn't worry - I never manage to STS exactly, always a slight loss or gain, I think fluctuations have always happened it's just that we never noticed them as we weren't weighing ourselves (or at least, I wasn't). I did panic when I had losses on conso (even though they weren't significant) but am quite happy with that now (or a gain) as long as the weight is reasonably stable and it does tend to even out over the course of the month - I think monthly weigh-ins rather than weekly will show this (I am weighing in only once a month as of March).

I think also this is 'normal' living as Dr D said we should do on stab while keeping the good habits we have learned 'most of the time'. It's not like your DDs will be ill each week (please God) or that you'll have having celebrations and birthday cake regularly (twice in one week, every week) either.

And, as Jo pointed out, you're still under your original target weight which (almost) 6 months after starting conso is pretty amazing!:)
<shall we organise a coach trip to Cambs and sort her out, girls?>
<shall we organise a coach trip to Cambs and sort her out, girls?>


Yes please!! Longer reply coming up later must get to school now!
Thanks everyone for taking time to reply to my outpouring earlier! I will respond to many things in turn but first of all – yes of course you’re right, it’s all quite stable in the bigger picture, I have now entered my weights into my chart and have attached an extract picture from about November to now – I officially declared myself in Stab at the end of Jan. The bottommost line is 60kg, the top is 65, and yes my official target is 64.

I think you're being very severe with yourself for such a tiny fluctuation (I won't even qualify it as a "gain"). And have we forgotten that we are actually 2lbs under target?
No not forgotten but got quite used to the thought of being less… Yes a tiny fluctuation, just yet another one UP – just as I said I’d not looked at the bigger picture all I recalled was a creeping up week on week….
And yes I should be glad to get past the chocolate cake fairly unscathed!

Dare I say it, but have you forgotten to increase your oatbran to 3 tablespoons now in Stabilisation?
No, that’s one thing I HAVE done. Today for example 1 tb in the pancake and 2 in the muffins. Or I have more porridge in the morning. I even had extra with the Salmon on Sat.

One does not make radical changes such as cut out a portion of carbs for the sake of 200g. Or even 1K. Those sort of fluctuations are normal.

Instead, keep an eye on the extras that were creeping in previously (the odd extra biscuit... the mouthful of this or that...) but please don't radically overhaul a system which IS working.

Here endeth my lecture.
OK, no radical overhaul you’re quite right. The ‘little extras’ have been in check this week, I can say truthfully. It was the big extras ;-)

And thanks for taking the time to make me see sense.

Anja, I wouldn't worry - I never manage to STS exactly, always a slight loss or gain, I think fluctuations have always happened it's just that we never noticed them as we weren't weighing ourselves (or at least, I wasn't). I did panic when I had losses on conso (even though they weren't significant) but am quite happy with that now (or a gain) as long as the weight is reasonably stable and it does tend to even out over the course of the month - I think monthly weigh-ins rather than weekly will show this (I am weighing in only once a month as of March).

Yes, I accept that, is was just that I could / can see it going one way only so that’s not just a fluctuation… but yes monthly weighing will probably have to be the way to go, on the other hand I think I need the weekly checks to pull me back from complacency. But I’ll not do Thursday weighing again – this week was ‘just for fun’ because of the chocolate and did not cause my reaction to the result this morning. As you can see in the chart, I have logged all the other out of schedule weighing and they’re always high ones too ;-)

I think also this is 'normal' living as Dr D said we should do on stab while keeping the good habits we have learned 'most of the time'. It's not like your DDs will be ill each week (please God) or that you'll have having celebrations and birthday cake regularly (twice in one week, every week) either.

And, as Jo pointed out, you're still under your original target weight which (almost) 6 months after starting conso is pretty amazing!
Well yes I am still getting to grips with the reality of ‘normal’. That’s probably my whole problem. Life without comfort (ok that’s putting it a bit too crass), that’s how it feels at times even if it isn’t because of course we do manage to have treats and so on. At least I managed to have a piece of brie, and a sandwich with pate now. But I turned down two offers of cake at work. It just requires planning (like today no cheese on my bread so I could have it in the omelette)
Everything I cook 6 days out of 7 is passing the ‘extra-healthy’ criteria, only lean cuts, no fat, no sugar, no bacon, no sausages. The amount of time I spend planning our weekly meals, I can’t just buy a packet of breaded fish (ohh I want some now!) or filled pasta (I feed those to the family on Thursdays)…. No breakfast cereal (the healthy kind) if I want a lunchtime sandwich. Not tried the cereal option yet. ‘Before’ I used to have a bowl of good quality (unsweetened) Muesli every morning, not yet been brave enough to try.

It’s all so finely balanced, and I’m not sure how long I can keep it up, whether it will ever become second nature. Following a strict diet I can do – EASY, you know there will be an end. Living a new lifestyle is so much harder.

Here endeth my moan, thanks for listening to those who have read this far!


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Downfall DD? (need I remind you of the 5lbs under target?!!!).

If you wanna see "downfall", hang around until I get (back) into Conso!

Oh Jo, just wait until you see the breakdown of tomorrow's gala meal. I've already input part of the expected amounts and it is, quite frankly, terrifying in all its chocolatey, sausagey glory. :eek:
Ah yes sausages here too today! Hardly any chocolate though. So thanks again for getting me to see sense. I have nearly managed to stay off the weekend cakes, made some mini cheesecakes today to have instead of biscuits etc and it looked like this:

Friday: Normal conso type day (bread for lunch), evening Watercress Omelette with cheese, and a last slice of birthday cake for dessert.

Sat: Normal conso type day (beansprouts for lunch), one last slice of birthday cake shared between all of us (I got size of a matchbox!). 'Normal' not-ultra-low-fat meal: Pork sausages (I had two small ones), baked with butternut squash & onion, some mashed potato (no butter). Small portion of Muller rice pudding.

As I said I'm not going continue logging my food, my one week was quite enough, and showed me what I needed to know, that a conso-type day contains everything you need, but has a little leeway... And yes knowing the actual calorific value of a gala meal would probably be too stressful - but you KNOW the rest of the week will absorb it!
aaah lovely reading... :D
And yes knowing the actual calorific value of a gala meal would probably be too stressful - but you KNOW the rest of the week will absorb it!

Traumatic is the word! :eek:;)

Hope you enjoyed your sausages, Anja. Ours were delicious. I think I'm learning to enjoy the less Dukan-friendly things like sausages by cutting down on their portion size. I still get the lovely taste, but without overdoing it (too much).
Life is good!

Hi everyone,

I have calmed down now! Things are going swimmingly. I have actually weighed myself twice this week as I am messing up my PP schedule tomorrow by having a 'gala' sandwich lunch supplied by caterers.

And the result is Sunday (after the Sausages and cake): 62.9
Today 62.6

Now I have not been depriving myself, and I have not been hungry - I have carried on with consostab style, but was more careful with the extras, and try to reach for crunch veg from the fridge in emergencies! Ah and my batch of 'cheesecakes' (they were a disaster...) helped too, they lasted 3 days.

Sunday: normal lunch with bread and salad, Dinner Venison stew with pasta.

Monday: Pate sandwich at lunchtime. 'Beef stroganoff' (with Fromfrais) and Quinoa (yum - I can recommend!). Also: 2 chocolate fingers in the morning, and a piece of cake and a choc chip cookie in the evening during a marathon 3+ hour committee meeting.

Tuesday: Pate sandwich at lunchtime and crudites. dinner 2 home made fish cakes baked in the oven (contain mash, coated in breadcrumbs, made with mayo in the mix) and broccoli.

I have been having 2 or 3 portions of fruit a day: chopped pineapple on my porridge, blueberries in my morning pancake, and of course single apples or satsumas to take to work.
My bread portions are probably nearer 80gr now because I have 2 thin slices of home made bread that tends to be heavier.

Tonight we'll have lean mini meatloaves, with sprouts and potatoes. Tomorrow chicken stir-fry with WM noodles. I might drop the noodles depending on how I feel after the lunch.

What I have cut out this week are the biscuit / treat a day (well, nearly) and the dried apricots - about 4 a day. I eat carbs with all evening meals, I eat till I'm full, but I suspect I never have 200gr.

Oh and I have bought some muesli (sugar free but with some nuts and raisins) - I'll embark on that journey at the weekend I think! I intend to mix some oatbran into it too.

So there you have it, Jo was right (of course) - ConsoStab IS WORKING, no need for hasty drastic action. As I said, my exercise this week is slightly up too so that's probably helping too.

Now I need to get on with work though!
Those menus are sounding much more "normal" now, Anja. Is that easing your mind about being happy to continue eating Stabilisation Dukan-style? I must admit that I have the same concerns as you: whilst I am happy to make allowances and eat more moderately, I ideally want to eat without feeling paranoid about it during Stab and for the rest of my life.
Those menus are sounding much more "normal" now, Anja. Is that easing your mind about being happy to continue eating Stabilisation Dukan-style? I must admit that I have the same concerns as you: whilst I am happy to make allowances and eat more moderately, I ideally want to eat without feeling paranoid about it during Stab and for the rest of my life.

Yes that's it exactly. I will need to keep this up for a few weeks and see how much my meals can veer into the 'normal' range without causing gain etc. I suppose it is a bit of a balancing act - have a piece of cake or have a full fat element in your main meal, but as time goes on I think we'll have it sussed!
Brings me back to praising the Dukan principles - I am not counting calories but the diet has indirectly taught me the nutritional (calorific) value of foods, and how to have a balanced amount of everything every day without weighing or excessive measuring / counting.
I suspect my food this week is coming in at 1600, as it was just under 2000 when I was adding treats. So if I put the treat element into main meals or desserts rather than biscuits or cake then the balance remain stable.

I've been reading through old magazines for inspiration this weekend and got big plans for healthy carby meals (with pulses and couscous) next week, just need to find the time tonight to draw up some menus and shopping lists.
Yes, learning more about nutrition/calorific values has been quite a shock to me. I'm so glad that Jo persuaded me to try the myfitnesspal thing. Now that I know just how much is in what I used to eat, I can see why and how to be more moderate with regard to naughtier foods.

For my carb meals, I've been enjoying the pasta so much that I haven't varied them at all. However, when I move onto Phase II (soon!), I intend to introduce different carbs.

BTW I have a gorgeous fruity couscous WW recipe, but it contains both dried fruit and nuts, alas. It goes beautifully with all kinds of meat, especially chicken or sausages.
Wow you have really sorted Dukaneering Anja!!! "we are not worthy" Waynes world stylee :0)
For my carb meals, I've been enjoying the pasta so much that I haven't varied them at all. However, when I move onto Phase II (soon!), I intend to introduce different carbs.

BTW I have a gorgeous fruity couscous WW recipe, but it contains both dried fruit and nuts, alas. It goes beautifully with all kinds of meat, especially chicken or sausages.

Ah, funny you should say that: my Saturday meal plan is Moroccan chicken with chickpeas and couscous (and apricots!).

Tonight I made lean beef burgers but I added some breadcrumb (1 thin slice of WM bread between 4 people) into them, and a sprinkling of grated cheese (maybe 10gr). The taste/texture improvement was commented upon by the whole family I'm afraid, not sure I can go back to 100% Dukan friendly now when cooking them for all.

I've just been working on my cooking / shopping plan for main meals:

Tomorrow (sorry repeating myself): chicken stirfry with carrots and green cabbage and WM noodles.

Fri (PP one day late): Turkey steaks (marinated: Paprika? Curry?)

Sat: Moroccan chicken with chickpeas & couscous. Lunch: smoked salmon scrambled egg

Sun: Herb-Crusted Fish (with Oatbran!) with Veg & Rice. Maybe Apple Crumble of blueberry flapjack for dessert (depends on my cooking kids!)
Lunch: winter soup (as usual!)

Mon: Fruity Pork Steaks (lean!) & Mash

Tue: Home made fishcakes (yes, again, I have a freezer full!) and broccoli. Additional potatoes for hungry people.

Wed: Turkey burgers (or maybe meatballs!) & pasta with home made fresh tomato sauce.

Thu PP to be decided. probably prawn omelette, haven't had that for a while :D

And now I need to go to bed before I have to fight the urge to munch something. I already had one chocolate wafer roll when I got home today.