Gold Member
This is your tooooooooooaaaaast calling.
Diiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Can you heeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrr meeeeeeeeeee? Dooooooooooon't you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant meeeeeeeeeeee?
Damn Damn Damn the call was just too strong to resist
But did you really have to put your WHITE BREAD VOICE ON :sigh:
3 thick (door wedge thick) slices from OHs loaf with..... * gulp * butter that didnt get weighed/measured :break_diet:
Im now having a choc highlights.....made with milk oh no no no :cry:down the slippery slope to the naughty corner we go - but its soooo comforting right now.
And Ive got a big spot on my chin too PMT is setting in on top of this rotten cold....... and im feeling sorry for myself (does it show )