Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

I love that you had rolos for breakfast!!
I know! I bought them into work along with mini munchies, aero bubbles & tin of chocolate biscuits as its Brett's birthday (whenever someone brings cake in work they always send one for Brett) then of course I fancied it so thought it'll be alright. I enjoyed it actually, fortunately because everyone so greedy I didn't get a chance to have anymore. :):)
Good evening, how are you mrs? I've just seen your FB photos of Chester, what a beautiful day you had for a walk, did Matty & Alfie enjoy it too? Xx
Today's food & no chocolate just yet anyway. Sunday is EE:-

B = banana on toast (hex b) & satsuma
S = fruit salad & latte (hex a)
L = speed soup, yogurt & apple
D = roast chicken, sweet potato, butternut squash, sprouts, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, pig in blanket (2.5), gravy (1.5)
A = scan bran muffin (2), fruit & yogurt, 4x prunes (2)

Total syns = 8 so far :)
pretty good might have a hi fi bar later if I'm peckish. Brett cooked a lovely tea too


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Oh, confession time minis, I haven't done any exercise since Friday :eek: Now this isn't a big deal normally as sometimes I just don't feel like it.

However I opted to a 40/40 challenge for lent (with bcp) 12 days ago & I should've done 40 mins yesterday but I couldn't be bothered. I could've made up for it today but I didn't. Never mind. Day 12 exercise challenge not completed, diet challenge still in motion :)
Your dinner looks gorgeous Cookie nom nom well done Brett :D

He did really well, I had to plate it & make the gravy because he doesn't like doing that, the pig in blanket was a nice treat for 2.5 syns though I only had the one ha ha. Your quiche look nice, thinking of making one for tomorrow's tea now xx
Aww bless him - he did really well. Quiche is lovely just need to make a bigger one next time lol (or hide it) from hubby hehe
Good evening, how are you mrs? I've just seen your FB photos of Chester, what a beautiful day you had for a walk, did Matty & Alfie enjoy it too? Xx

I'm good thanks, tired though... Walked loads this weekend, did the front garden this afternoon too, I'm worn out lol.
It was lovely in Chester this morning... So sunny and bright. Alfie loved it, all the new smells.... He was fantastically behaved... Matty enjoyed it too :)
Today's food & no chocolate just yet anyway. Sunday is EE:-

B = banana on toast (hex b) & satsuma
S = fruit salad & latte (hex a)
L = speed soup, yogurt & apple
D = roast chicken, sweet potato, butternut squash, sprouts, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, pig in blanket (2.5), gravy (1.5)
A = scan bran muffin (2), fruit & yogurt, 4x prunes (2)

Total syns = 8 so far :)
pretty good might have a hi fi bar later if I'm peckish. Brett cooked a lovely tea too

Evening Cookie :). Wow your tea looks lovely. Hope you've had a good weekend hun .

Kay xx
Oh, confession time minis, I haven't done any exercise since Friday :eek: Now this isn't a big deal normally as sometimes I just don't feel like it.

However I opted to a 40/40 challenge for lent (with bcp) 12 days ago & I should've done 40 mins yesterday but I couldn't be bothered. I could've made up for it today but I didn't. Never mind. Day 12 exercise challenge not completed, diet challenge still in motion :)

My fault for being out of action..... I wasn't there to poke you with a sharp stick xx
Good evening all :)

I'm now off for two days yay! Got a wee flyer from work too so home a little earlier, sat on the sofa to rest for a few minutes as I had a headache and think I dozed off for a few minutes until my phone rang. Looking forward to an early night. So I've come home, cooked tea, and started tomorrows tea also :) got another Vegetable Tagine going in the slow cooker. Aren't I good.

How's everyone xx
Yay to two days off, do you have any plans?

I've been food shopping with Lydia, then Pets at Home, I've had to unpack food shopping myself as Bob isn't home until 10:30, had my tea & catching up on here, but crikey look at the time, I don't feel like I've had time to chill, oh I'm printing of my December holiday pics, I love printing them off as I sit there some evenings looking at my photo albums, :rolleyes:
Nice to hear you got an early finish. You are good with all your preparation
Have a lovely time off xx
Evening Cookie :), well done for getting super organised on the cooking. I love the veg tagine recipe too and have made it before, it was really yum. How has your foodage been today ?

Kay xx
Yay to two days off, do you have any plans?

I've been food shopping with Lydia, then Pets at Home, I've had to unpack food shopping myself as Bob isn't home until 10:30, had my tea & catching up on here, but crikey look at the time, I don't feel like I've had time to chill, oh I'm printing of my December holiday pics, I love printing them off as I sit there some evenings looking at my photo albums, :rolleyes:

I'm going to the gym tomorrow, going to try another little run test my back again although its been a bit sore this weekend, its not been too bad tonight. After that it shopping & a few chores. If its dry i'll take Bo for a hand wash keep her sparkling. :) Also I really need to ring VW as a sear belt light stays on in the but Bo is fortunately still under warranty. I can use Brett's if I need to.

On Wednesday I'm seeing my friend Rebecca & baby Rowan. I'm not sure if we're meeting up at the Trafford Centre or if they're coming to me, I'll know tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it.

We never print our holiday photos, shame really because they're lovely, bring back fond memories don't they? Xx