Hello! Sorry for my dip in form on here, I think I'm having a wobble this week on my food. Fresh start Friday didn't work out as planned I'm afraid. It started pretty good, loads of super free, loads of water, low syns and then after tea, before I knew what was going on a big bar of dairy milk with daim bar found its way into my mouth. Frustrating!
A scale hop this morning also should me weighing 9st 12 I'm already up 2lbs on Thursdays wi so things aren't looking too good. I'm now stopping all this self sabotage and kicking my own ass into starting today. I've told Brett to stay strong and not me have any biscuits, or chocolate and he's agreed. So here's to today :-
Sort it Saturday. Green day:-
B = 15g overnight oats & berries (2), fruit
L = salad & vegetable tagine
S = banana & rest of fruit from breakfast, 1 x w/m small toast (3)
D = jacket with cheese (hex a2)& beans, salad
A = 2 x hi fi salted caramel bars (hex b2)
Total syns = 5
I'm not eating anything more tonight and I'm feeling good. Please let this be start of a good 5 days before wi.
