Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Yay you.... have an amazing time xx
Hey cookie, hope you had a lovely time and haven't got the holiday blues too bad!
Hello and good afternoon :)

Well it feel like ages since I've been on minis, I'll have loads & loads to catch up on. Brett and I had a brilliant time on holiday, it was so good and Benidorm is lovely. Definitely worth a revisit next year and to the same hotel too as it was gorgeous. We had excellent weather and of course we were all inclusive so we indulged in all the lovely food and I have to say I became partial to a glass of sangria at 5pm :)

Whilst I've got holiday blues, I must say I am so happy I joined SW last year because I felt pretty good in my bikini's and shorts, which is a big deal as your so exposed. In previous years going on holiday, I'd always take comfort in "There's always someone bigger than you" but on this holiday it wasn't important to me because I've worked hard to lose the weight. I know I've gained weight (find out the damage at wi on Thursday) I'm happy and back on track.

Here's yesterday's food
Monday is EE:-

B = banana & yogurt

L = tuna, mayo lighter light (1.5), egg, salad, vinegar, fruit

S = w/m bread (b) light emmental laughing cow (1.5), melon, latte (a +2)

D = roast chicken, sweet potato, potato, (0.5), carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bns, pumpkin, bite of dumpling (1) gravy (2), tomatoes

A = fruit & yogurt,

Total syns = 8.5

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So glad to hear you had such a fab time. It makes such a difference to feel good on holiday and I'm delighted that you were able to enjoy your hard work - I'm sure it made the holiday even more enjoyable!!

Well done for getting back on track so quickly, I know so many people struggle after holidays so you're an inspiration! Your lunchtime salad looks delicious, I may be inspired to have some for lunch tomorrow!

Good to have you back :) xxx
Welcome home Cookie xx
Hellooooooooooooo Cookie good to have you back. Holidays are for enjoying and after WI you can focus on being back on plan, your already reducing some of the damage looking at todays food so by Thurs WI wont be half as bad as expected xx
Hello again :)

Ooh thank you all for your lovely comments, its good to be back on minis its helping me focus. Good news is that Brett is also cutting down. We always ate the same meals unless it included fish (he'd have breaded I'd have plain) and sausages (he's were pork Cumberland, I'd have LMC red onion ones) but the difficulty was the afters and snacks at supper time. He's still having his chocolate but instead of eating a full bag if munchies or maltesers which tempts me, he's now having one pack over two days and then nothing more. He'd normally have ate the full bag and maybe nibble on some Pringles or kettle chips. He's also been taking a fruit salad to work to eat on his morning break so hopefully he'll be back to normal and happier with himself very soon.

Today's food is SE:- but it could've been Red or Green too

B = fruit salad & yogurt

L = LMC red onion sausages, mayo lighter light (1), salad, banana

S = banana, ryvita minis (b), latte (a)

D = cheese (a) omelette, salad, cooked tomatoes & mushrooms, ketchup (2)

A = fruit & yogurt

I've still a hex b to use but not hungry so that's me for the night.
Total syns = 3

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Good evening :)

I'm home now. Went to wi before work and I gained 1lb. Very happy with that result. I think getting back on plan after my holiday helped reduce my gain but maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought.
Also I won the raffle which are all the ingredients you need to make a mushy pea curry so I'm going to make it at the weekend. Feeling pretty good, just a bit tired so I'll probably have a good catch up on everyone tomorrow. Xx