Loving Life with TeamRH
Well done that woman xx
Hello cookie hope you are ok. Food sounds yum.
I had a dream last night that you and me were going to see Lenny Kravitz but we fell out, don't know what about! Then you said I had to pay you for the ticket even though you weren't going and I had paid for the ticket, in the end some other people came in and told you to pay me and I went by myself. How random! I don't even know if you like Lenny Kravitz
Anyhow have a lovely day enjoy the carnival hope you don't get to wet!
Well I'm actually just getting out of bed now. I heard thunderstorms and saw a lighting on my nightly trip to the loo at 3.12am, it startled me a bit. I'm so glad we got our roof fixed last month take me a while to get back to sleep though hence a nice lie in and a little fruity breakfast although I'm still quite hungry.
The carnival is being held in Platt Fields Park and all the rain means its going to be a muddy day. I already have double roll ups on my trousers for being so short so think I'll be quite filthy when I get home. I'll change out my shoes before I leave work tonight.
Food wise will be EE:-
B = banana & pineapple
L = not sure
S = fruit & peanut hi fi bar (b)
D = chicken salad with cheese (a)
I don't know where I'll be at the carnival or what I'll be doing so bringing cold food with me just in case & lots of water too
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