Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Saturdays food:-

Breakfast = SW style, LM red onion sausages, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, bns (left overs) new potatoes & 1 slice leerdamer light cheese (3.5)
Lunch = Starbucks skinny sugar free syrup vanilla latte (hex a) & fruit salad
Dinner = Mums soup (pumpkin, corn on the cob, breadfruit (2.5), carrot, lamb, dumpling (7) soup mix (2) potato
Gorgeous I was too full to eat my hi fi light bars for my supper


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It was gorgeous, had it with salad as couldn't be bothered waiting for the veg, sorry I ate it eight taking a photo. Forgive me? Xx
Sundays food:- EE
breakfast = scan bran cake (1.5 & 1/2 hex b), yogurt & fruit (melon, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries & grapes.
Lunch = Christening food. 1 crisp, 1/2 tsp cake (1.5 didn't like it at all), fruit salad (as above with apple & kiwi)
snack = banana
Dinner = curried lamb (6.5) rice & kidney beans, salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, peppers)
Afters = as breakfast & gingerbread latte (hex a & 1.5)
total syns = 11
total speed = 21
I'm very full! :eating:
I was sat right at the buffet table, however as we were late getting to the house after church, most of the buffet had gone except for the fruit salad, I think it was kdestined to be my lunch. I think I hate buffets,
Right then its time for bed, actually I've been in bed for an hour but I'm long past my curfew time of 9.30pm and I'm starting to drift off. So night night everyone I'll cu all tomorrow xx
Hello hello, it's wet wet here in Manchester but I'm nice and warm after a dull day in work. I'm not bloated either thankfully as I felt quite horrid before bed so I'm not eating anything heavy today. How's everyone? Xx
Ola chica - its been a rotten day up here too rain and wind brrrrr.

Ive made tea, dishes are done, lunches done for tomorrow, pineapple chopped and a sb cake made whoop x
Impressive Texty, I too have took a leaf out of your book and made tea, tomato soup and a Turkish delight scan bran cake. I got the BF to chop up the butternut squash ready for roasting tomorrow night because I love eating it it hate all the peeling & chopping, he also made my fruit salad for work too bless him.

I'm hoping this rain will stop tomorrow its horrible working in the rain, my Afro isn't its best when wet haha xxxx. How's your day been and any result from the scan yet? Xx
Impressive Texty, I too have took a leaf out of your book and made tea, tomato soup and a Turkish delight scan bran cake. I got the BF to chop up the butternut squash ready for roasting tomorrow night because I love eating it it hate all the peeling & chopping, he also made my fruit salad for work too bless him.

I'm hoping this rain will stop tomorrow its horrible working in the rain, my Afro isn't its best when wet haha xxxx. How's your day been and any result from the scan yet? Xx

Ooooo Turkish Delight cake do let me know how it tastes, have you tried putting your butternut in the microwave first to soften the skin? it makes them easier to peel.

Lol you aint seen my hair hun - its horrible when damp never mind wet!! Awww you have a goodun there hun bless him x
No I didn't know you could do that with butternut squash, but he's so good at it and quick too. We've got parsnips too but not sure if roasting them do I need to parboil them like potatoes or just roast them raw like the bns?

I think a few of ups had bad hair days today, the BF looked like a drowned rat when he got in from work as he cycled in as we've only got the one car. I should cycle in too and I did in the summer on early shifts but I can't face the bike in this weather. Xx