Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Food today:- is EE

B = potato, mushroom, butternut squash, mushrooms & spaghetti hoops, 2/3 slice leerdamer light (1/2 hex a). (50% SF)
L = Tomato speed soup, fruit salad (80% SF)
S = 3 satsumas (100% SF)
D = salmon kebabs (2) egg, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, celery, carrot, cabbage, mushrooms, butternut squash, vinegar, few of BF's chips (3) (75% SF)
A = hi fi bars (hex b) yogurt, 5 little rolos (3.5), latte (2& hex a)

Total syns = 10.5.
SF I got more than 50% in each meal as requested except for my afters so not a bad start. If I could lose 2.5lbs that'd be ace! Xxx
Evening chick sorry to hear you didnt sleep very well. Nice lie in tomorrow and a lazy weekend for you - perfect eh? xx
Hello. I'm upset my mum is having a hernia operation next week & she was all upset and anxious about it when I spoke to her which in turn has got me all upset & anxious too. She's got a pre op assessment on Wednesday then she's going in on Saturday morning at 7am. I didn't even know they did operations on Saturdays! They going to remove it even though it doesn't hurt her, they think it may do if she leaves it.

I'm sorry minis but I'll have to go back to Wolverhampton that day now. Does anybody know about Hernias? Quite worried x :(
Awww hi hunnie - try not to worry, I know its easier said than done. My sister in law had a hernia op about 3 months ago, she is fine now and back to work. She had hers done laparascopically. Your mum will be fine bless her. She wont be able to do much or lift anything heavy for a while but she will recover and be right as rain. xx

Do you know which type of hernia it is?

Inguinal hernia repair - NHS Choices

Abdominal hernia repair | Bupa UK

I don't know it stick out of her tummy and is about the size of a medium size orange, when she lies down it goes flat but when she stands up it bulges outwards. I just rang her but she's also a bit deaf so she's not answered, either that or they've gone shopping. What does laparascopically mean? Xx
It means done by keyhole surgery hun instead of cutting like they used to years ago.

She will be fine honestly surgery comes on leaps and bounds everyday. x
Hello again, I'm feeling much better again after my shock this morning. Mum is usually so strong so it hurt to hear her sound so vulnerable I'm just not use to it. Anyway she's feeling a little more positive or rather sounds it and i'll be glad to see her next week.
My BF as usual has been super he's given me a good talking to, taken me out to Nando's for a nice late lunch and then did the vacuuming and the mopping. I'm a lucky girl xx :)
Food today:-

B = ham & egg cup, fruit & yogurt (melon, pineapple, kiwi, grapes, satsumas)
L = Nando's, butterfly chicken no skin (0.5), spicy rice (2.5), corn on the cob, salad no dressing (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cabbage I sneaked it in too!) few chips (2.5)
S = satsuma & blueberries, gingerbread latte (hex a & 2)
D = Scan bran carrot cake, 2 slices (1/2 hex b & 2.5) fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, grapes)

Total syns so far = 10
Will probably have a little supper but not sure what yet,maybe spaghetti hoops on toast?
50% SF all meals except lunch


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Hello hello, I'm feeling OK today. We've had some heavy rain last night and some more of it today but its been quite good. My sister was round for dinner we had a good catch up as she's been in Singapore and Bali, cooked her nice SW food which she loved and then my brother came round and it was a nice family day. Just the folks missing really but we'll see them next weekend.

Shame I've got work tomorrow, keep hoping our numbers will come up so i can quit work but I'll just have to plod on a bit longer!
Oh and the BF said we can book a holiday for when were off next month and he fancies Tunisia. Never been before anyone been? Xxx
I've never been I'm afraid so I'm not much use! A holiday sounds fab though.
Sounds like you've had a lovely day today. Booo to work tomorrow :-( I couldn't believe how heavy the rain was earlier, it was so loud against our living room window xx
Never been to Tunisia Im afraid hun. A holiday sounds brill. The rain was heavy last night here too, and boo to work tomorrow x
Well so were all Tunisian virgins, and wet ones by the sounds of the all the rain we've all had. I'm on lates this week so in at 4 tomorrow. It's going to be a long day

Anyway food today is EE
B = satsumas & pear
L = Tomato speed soup, 1x w/m bread (1/2 hex b), satsuma & grapes.
D = Beef stew (beef, carrot, swede, onion, potato, mushroom, spinach, tomatoes, chickpeas, seasoning, cornmeal dumpling, oxo, jerk BBQ sauce) (3), couscous & veg (carrot, broccoli, cauliflower)
A = hi fi rocky road light (1/2 hex b), slice scan bran carrot cake (2) & fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, grapes)
S = maltesers (12) latte (2 & hex a)

Total syns = 19 oops!
SF = most meals 50% except my snack so not bad. Nice food today xx
Thank you. Ooh it's later than I thought, I better go and get ready for bed.
I hope everyone has a good week. Night night xxxx