Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Yes I'm not so worried now think she'll be fine.

Food today is Green
B = fried egg, courgette, mushroom, tomato (Lil tomato soup as sauce)
S = space raiders (3), yogurt.
L = tomato soup, fruit salad (pineapple, melon, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, kiwi) yogurt.
D = SW quiche, veg & tomato soup (tiny bit left over) 1/3 slice pizza (3)
A = 1.5 slices scan bran carrot cake (2.5 & hex b) satsuma
Just realised no hex a so might have a latte or slice of leerdamer.

Total syns = 8.5
Please let the poo fairy come and take the Aunt Flo fairy away, I've had enough of her already! Xx
That's right you've cut down loads this week, wonder if that's improved your loss? I've eased up on it at breakfast time too I like it as my afters more than anything else x
I haven't had any since last Tuesday I think... Wasn't really intentional... I ran out and I think it was the kick up the bum I needed to mix things up a bit. I did buy some the other day though but they're still sat in the cupboard! I'm hoping to make a carrot cake in the morning though xx
Me too, or in the afternoon. I've shaken my meal plan up a bit but I can mix it up a little more for this coming week I think. For now though its time for bed. I'll see you all tomorrow night night xxx
Hello hello! Hope everyone is well. I lost 1.5lbs at wi so I'm happy with that, phew! It's felt like a long slog but I'm glad I kept at it. To celebrate my loss and my only day off this week (working o/t tomorrow) I bought myself a knitted dress from Tesco. I'll get the BF to take a photo when he gets in later or tomorrow.

Now I've got a scan bran carrot cake cooling and I've just made curried parsnip soup for the first time ever, I did half the recipe just in case I didn't like it but it tastes good so that's my lunch sorted for work tomorrow.

I'm feeling good and its star week, so in answer to yesterday's question, you can still lose weight on Star Week, someone please remind of that next month please? Xxx


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Thank you. The BF likes the cake too. I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not, I've topped with quark & it went quite well with a few chocolate buttons. Oops

Food today is EE:-
B = fruit salad & yogurt
L = SW quiche, baked beans & salad, satsuma & watermelon, hi fi light rocky road (1/2 hex b)
S = 1x w/m toast with chicken slices & 2/3 slice of leerdamer light (1/2 hex a & hex b), yogurt
D = salmon kebabs (2) noodles (1) carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, butternut squash
A = slice scan bran carrot cake (2.5), buttons (8) caramel latte (1.5 & 1/2 hex a)

Total syns = 15
50% SF with each meal except with snacks
Not bad! Xxx
Holiday is booked I nearly forgot to say. Going Tunisia, that's what BF wants so I said why not? It'd be rude no to & he's right I need to try somewhere new. Mum told him we should book, so we go to Port el Kantoui on Sunday 24/11/13 for 1 week. Can't remember the name of the hotel but it looks nice. That means I've got 4 more wi before I go, I wonder if I could lose another 4lbs before I go? Xxxx :)
Hello everyone, what a day its been. I've worked overtime today for extra cash towards Xmas and I feel that work got every penny out of me today. After an early start I then thought I'd have an early lunch at 11.45 so warmed up my parsnip soup then I got asked to interview someone who turned up at the nick so I had to leave my soup. An hour later I came back, re-warmed my soup then 5 mins later I got told I had to be in a briefing so left my soup again. I came back to it 15 mins later it was cold, so i reheated it again and just had a spoonful when i got sent out again! I know its my job and my career choice but by the time i came back into the nick at 14.50hrs I couldn't stand the sight of that blooming soup and threw it away. :(

Thank god for fruit & hi fi light bars because food on the go had real meaning for me today it was mega mega busy. When I came home & saw the last of the soup in the pan I thought I'm going nowhere near that flaming soup. The BF just giggled when I told him so he took me out for tea instead. What a day, on the pus side I got 9hrs o/t so that'll be nice come next month.

Tonight I feel like Texty I'm dropping off and picking the BF up later he's going to a gig to see The Cult, don't know who they are but they're definitely not my cup of tea but I've told him he can't stay late if he needs picking up because I'm in work at 7am

Moan over, hope everyone is having a good day xxx. :)
Awww thats pants about ya soup hun especially as you were looking forward to it, but yayyyyyyyyyy to the holiday whoop whoop bet you cant wait. xx
After today I don't think I could eat parsnip soup again, it's put me right off. Ill ask the mrs about her carrot & butternut squash one as it looked lovely. Holiday is exciting!

Food today is EE:-
B = fried egg, mushrooms, courgettes, tomatoes
L = tiny bit parsnip soup, fruit salad, yogurt & space raiders (3)
S = hi fi light rocky road, satsuma & melon (1/2 hex b)
D = jacket potato, cheese & beans, pizza crust (5), 1/2 Costco mince pie estimated 12 as can't find on SW website
A = gingerbread latte (2 & hex a)

Total syns = high 22 oops!
Didn't hit 50% SF on dinner but I've a small fruit salad left for supper so should be ok. Xx