Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

It was bland and I think I overlooked it, I was busy so I made in the oven instead so it didn't burn it looked nice but I didn't season it and it was a bit dry and then I didn't fancy it so went to have it the next day and it tough, I even tipped my soup on it but in the end I just ate the soup. I enjoyed the soup though.
Today I've made Golden Vegetable soup from the Hairy Bikers diet book, my sister gave me the recipe and it looks nice I just need to let it cool before I whizz it up
How did your butternut squash curry go? Sounds lovely xx
That made me laugh and I'm happy that she didn't. I think its my new favourite I've just whizzed up the soup and it tastes lovely, mmm I'll be having that for lunch at 1pm I'm still full from breakfast


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So Fridays food is EE:-

B = scrambled eggs, baby plum tomatoes, mushrooms, courgettes & fruit pot
L = golden vegetable soup with w/m toast (1/2 hexb) & leerdamer light (1/2 hexa), satsumas & kiwi
S = hi fi light bar (1/2 hexb), strawberries, yogurt.
D = chicken donburi yakitori (1.5) savoury rice, veg,
A = slice scan bran carrot cake (2.5), fruit salad.

Total syns = 4 and lots of super free yay!


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Oo Cookie sounds like you had quite a shift x nasty affair. Really tough job that you have.

Plan is looking good. The pie in the new SW mag looks lush so that might be on my food list in future weeks as hubby is fancying it, kept it simple for week ahead though as still getting back into routines post hols having had this virus.

What's planned for your weekend?
Oo Cookie sounds like you had quite a shift x nasty affair. Really tough job that you have.

Plan is looking good. The pie in the new SW mag looks lush so that might be on my food list in future weeks as hubby is fancying it, kept it simple for week ahead though as still getting back into routines post hols having had this virus.

What's planned for your weekend?

Work work and ooh a bit more work for me, I'm on 3-1 tonight and Saturday then 3-11 Sunday night then two days off! The best thing about working lates is a nice lie in!
I really must start that new mag, let me know how the pie goes but remember your still poorly so rest up, maybe the OH will make it as he's really good in the kitchen.

I'm planning on being on plan all week. First challenge is not to have anymore chips or other naughties this weekend, so watch this space. Get well soon xxx
The soup looks so yummy x

Glad you like it Happy, oh here's the book you said you like, I love it I get a recipe and if I like it (usually once I've modified it to suit me) I pop it in as I hate going through loads of books and bits of paper etch.. I got it for Christmas of my sister as I saw it in Paper Chase think it was £10 but its worth it! Xx


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Those are late shifts, I'd struggle with staying up til 1 am. Haven't planned the pie for this week, prob week after, but will let you know when we make it. Hubby is good re helping with cooking but I popped it all on last night as we had Birds Eye simply salmon, just pop in oven, new potatoes and frozen veg - so all easy and on plan. He was home late bless him. Chilli tonight so again throw in the pan and leave to own devices. Like my cooking style lol. Currently under the duvet and have a cup of tea so am resting :). Do feel much better today so hopefully that will continue over the weekend and Monday I can get back to normal.

Recipe book is a great idea - I keep meaning to get one organised, must do that. Want some sort of ring binder so I can use magazine recipes that are good to slot in, etc - one day!
Glad you like it Happy, oh here's the book you said you like, I love it I get a recipe and if I like it (usually once I've modified it to suit me) I pop it in as I hate going through loads of books and bits of paper etch.. I got it for Christmas of my sister as I saw it in Paper Chase think it was £10 but its worth it! Xx

Brill, I'll check that out, it would be perfect for my sister's Christmas stocking x
Good morning or rather good afternoon, hope everyone is well, my shift went OK but I couldn't help but yawn half the night, two more shifts to go before two days off yay! Food wise I stuck to plan but I did eat a 1/4 of a fruit scone (3.5) with 1/2 tsp butter (1). That means total syns for Friday is 9 syns.
I was good and stayed away from the chips and kebabs. Cops eat bad food, tonight some more of them are getting kebabs but I'm aiming to be on plan

Saturdays food is EE:-
B = pineapple
L = jacket potato with cheese & beans (hex a), scan bran cake (1/3 hex b & 2) fruit pot (melon, pineapple, grapes, mango)
S = fruit salad (as b4 with raspberries & strawberries)
D = mums chicken (5), carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, butternut squash,
A = hi fi light bar (1/2 hex b) & yogurt.

Total syns is 7 but room to add bits at work if desperate but will try and stick to plan xxx
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Good morning all, hope everyone is well. I'm still in bed the BF brought me breakfast in bed this morning bless him, I like it in bed and don't fancy working tonight. The wind and rain was awful, very difficult to see and worried a few trees were going to come down at one point!

Anyway have to amend my food was a teeny bit naughty but all synned, I have to be stronger.
Please note this was a wee battle of wills namely mine & mine, one person brought in homemade gingerbread men and then they all went to get their food which consisted of pizza, garlic bread with cheese, kebabs & fries :(

I ate :-
gingerbread man's head only (1.5) as size of 10p coin
2 x fries (1.5)
Peppa Pig ice lolly (3).
So that's an extra 6 syns which makes it 13 total for Saturday so still within plan, phew!
I'm still in bed but here's my food plan for Sunday. EE:-

B = fruit salad (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, mango, melon, grapes) & yogurt
L = golden vegetable soup, w/m toast (1/2 hex b) & slice of cheese (1/2 hex a), satsuma & kiwi
S = banana bread (?), yogurt
D = beef & veg stew lots of SF (1) couscous, extra veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower,butternut squash, sprouts)
A = scan bran carrot cake (1/3 hex b & 2), fruit salad as b/fast.

I'm making banana bread for work tonight so I'll save some syns for a slither of it, I just need to work it out for the whole cake first.