Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Oops very sorry, just realised how that could read, what I meant to say was I don't sleep still, in bed! That reads naughty doesn't it!
I know! Sorry

Right then lovelies, I'll bid you all good night, its bed time and I'm going to have to figure how to get comfy without too much movement so that I can sleep. So night night xx
Have you rubbed some gel on your shoulder that may ease the pain. I hope it's better tomorrow x
Hello everyone, I'm still off work, shoulder is still quite sore, not as bad as yesterday but it still really hurts so taking it easy. Got some muscle rub (well Brett's bringing it home for me) so that should help it. Other than that I'm ok, slept on & off with it as you know I move about in my sleep and so kept catching myself turning onto it and then moving off it again.

So today I've not done anything, went for a little walk for an hour then home, it took me a while to mix up a scan bran cake with my left hand but its done and in the oven, looking forward to it and I'm not topping it with quark as I fancy it warm with fruit & yogurt.

How's everyone today? Xx
Awwww hun - dont you think it would be wise to get it checked out? you could have chipped the bone or something!!

I had a feeling you wouldnt get much sleep :-( xx
It doesn't look swollen anymore but I think its more muscular. I'm seeing my friend tomorrow (she's a nurse) so she's going to give me the once over & see if I need to trouble the GP she says! So I'll see what she says. Its quite good having friends in other emergency services, I've got a fireman, paramedics, and a few a couple of nurses.
Thank you I will get it checked. Want to be all ok for my holiday. I'm quite full too I think? That doesn't make sense actually but food today is EE:-

B = fried egg, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, satsumas, scan bran bites (1)
L = chicken, turkey & egg salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red cabbage, carrot, peppers, vinegar), fruit salad, yogurt.
S = scan bran cake (3 & 1/2 hex b) fruit & yogurt
D = 2 Linda red onion & rosemary sausages, cheesy mash (hex a), carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, butternut squash, gravy (1)
A = hi fi light bar (1/2 hex b)

Its those first time I tried that instant smash and I like it I put cheese in it and it was very nice. I'll make it again xx


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Thank you I really enjoyed my food today. I don't think I'll eat any more tonight I'm nice and comfy I could do with drinking a bit more though, its harder in the cool weather isn't it? Just hoping the star week fairy doesn't undo my good work this week, but I'm preparing myself just in case xx