Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Aww I hope it passes quickly Cookie - the pork sounds delish. Im off to have a bath whilst indulging in my mini crunchie treats and then bed I think x
Hello my dear! Hope you're not too annoyed to be back on lates this week.

You must have had a massive joint of pork - did you cook it on high or low?

I tend to use a mixture of a really sharp knife, kitchen scissors and sheer brute force to remove the fat/skin!! I tend to marinate it over night in a spice/herb rub then cook in the slow cooker in the morning on low with just 2 cups of water and some liquid smoke. I normally leave it for about 10 hours but I love it really tender! It's always so delicious I think it's worth the effort. It's only half an hour the night before removing the fat and doing the rub then about 5 mins in the morning getting it into the slow cooker. It's just timings! We live and learn :) xx
Hello Lil, good to see you!

Oh my that pork shoulder was a big beast to be honest, the skin and fat was a battle and a half. I did it in the slow cooker and it was gorgeous but it needed 11 hours :0 I did it on low, then upped it to medium after 5 hrs, then back to low after another 3hrs.
It's done 7 portions (I never quite get 8). I have to say it is delicious but I know I've not done it right, too much liquid so its more like a pulled pork casserole.
Next time I'll follow your tips, thanks Lil xx
Hello, in work for shift no.2 in this set of lates, it feels quite cold. Anyway meal plan for today is EE:-

B = rice pudding, fruit salad & yogurt
L = chicken & cheese (hex a) & egg salad, banana & clementine.
S = hi fi light bar (1/2 hex b),
D = pulled pork (1.5), mash, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, butternut squash, fruit salad, yogurt.
A = hi fi light bar, baked oddities (5)

Total syns = 6.5 so far with room for more if need it :)
Hi Cookie. Bet you will be glad when this week if late shifts is over. I fell iff the wagon yesterday so climbing back in today oops
Hello and good morning! It is still morning isn't it, I'm exhausted, have a headache, achy hips and all that stuff yes it's that time again! The TOTM Fairy arrived yesterday and she's making me feel :argh:

When this week I'd been feeling more :superwoman: , Not fair but never mind

Anyway tonight is the last late shift then two lovely days off. I was double busy last night and so didn't get to eat dinner until 9.30pm, hope tonight is a little easier.
Hope everyone is well, :) xx
Hi Cookie :wavey:,

I've not posted on your diary for a while. I've always loved your cake recipes :p and the pics ! Glad your evening shifts are over and your going to have 2 lovely days off. I am only a few days away from my TOTM too, I know how you feel. I went back to the gym yesterday after a long while and think I've done my back in :rolleyes: . Oh well I hope you have a fab week ahead. You got anything nice planned for your 2 days off ?

Kay xx
Oh me too (TOTM) - I'm wondering how it'll affect my WI tomorrow. Only been doing this about 6 weeks and last time I gained at TOTM, grr!

I think it'll be a gain for me too even though I've stuck to plan, last month was 2lb up hoping for minimal gain this week. Well really I'm hoping for a miracle 7lb loss to be honest, one can dream. Good luck for wi :cross:though you might surprise yourself
Hi Cookie :wavey:,

I've not posted on your diary for a while. I've always loved your cake recipes :p and the pics ! Glad your evening shifts are over and your going to have 2 lovely days off. I am only a few days away from my TOTM too, I know how you feel. I went back to the gym yesterday after a long while and think I've done my back in :rolleyes: . Oh well I hope you have a fab week ahead. You got anything nice planned for your 2 days off ?

Kay xx

hello Kay, I see you've a diary I'll have to pop over there. How are you!
Actually I've just made a scan bran carrot cake its cooling as we speak, not had any for ages it feels like.

Hate totm, I'm preparing myself for a gain tomorrow but I deserve a loss, hopefully it'll be a good loss next week though.
I'm not doing anything tomorrow apart from wi, but on Friday I'm visiting my very dear friend who gave birth NYE going to meet baby Rowan. I've got him a lovely outfit but I don't know what to get her, any ideas? Xx :)
Oh yum yum to the carrot cake ! :D I'm a complete dessert person, love my cakes and biscuits. I hope you achieve a sts, if not a good loss for next week. Nice to be able to go and see your friend and her baby. For the present you could get her something to go with the babies room, or if you want to get her something for herself than maybe a nice bottle of perfume, chocolates or flowers ?

Kay xx
Thanks Kay, I shall get some flowers.
Anyway today's food is EE:-
B = rice pudding, fruit & yogurt.
L = mums soup, lamb & veg chunky soup with 1/3 of a dumpling (3), banana
S = unsure yet?
D = salmon (2) egg salad with lighter light mayo (1), fruit salad & yogurt
A = scan bran carrot cake & clementine (1/2 hex b + 2)


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Thanks, Brett makes great salads.
Total syns = 8 so far
right back to it, duty calls have a good day everyone xx