I'm going to make it within the next couple of days Rozie Quite excited I looooooove food.......tasty food.......with plenty of scrummy flavours and spices....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
I love food :giggle:
I shall post the recipe in a mo
Yeah but, but, but..........I'm learning to love different food, cooked differently now lol
Think food will always be a problem ............. it just tastes too good
......only if we slip back into old ways I'm going for a total reforming of my attitude and habits this time. Food is not going to be a problem for me ever again I'm going to go sky diving instead! :8855:
Dawnejoy said:Obviously living dangerously appeals to you.....................and who but you would put food and sky diving in the same sentence?????
Sky diving WITH food! Amazing
Corky I wanna come sky diving!
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Good! We can reform our attitude and habits together lol
Dawnejoy said:Sounds like we should be starting something like "overeaters annonymous" with that talk of reforming attitudes and habits :8855:
Nah! We don't fit into that group anymore - we're normal eaters una-nnonymous with just a big of excess fat to get rid of lol
I don't think food always has to be an issue - or a problem - less so when it's been a problem and it's a problem solved - we then know how the problem starts and how hat it was to kick - food isn't the problem - its the ignorance of knowing what it does to you when used the wrong way - now we know it can't ever be a problem again - unless we're too busy eating to open our parachute eh Corks
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Dawnejoy said:Do you think we do solve the problem tho.............I'm sure even when I've lost the weight I will still have "issues" with food, coz I just love eating, even my social life revolves around eating, with friends and family. Just love the taste, which then makes me eat past full
Now, forgetting to open parachutes whilst eating, I think that probably does constitute a problem......................probably not very long-lived problem tho if you remain in free-fall :8855:
Hmmm maybe it's just you with the problem then LOL
Nah I think it is an individual thing and the way you look at it. I mean - should we bother to lose weight now when we're always going to have a problem? Why try so hard no when it's all going to fail in the end
I love food - eating it - cooking it. My problem isn't with my love of food - my problem WAS not knowing when I was full - still eating even after that point - my problem was not realising that two three or four take aways two three or four nights running was bad! Or that ordering 2 mains for myself was okay
I don't think it's being an alcoholic for example - they said once that habit has kicked you can't go back to just one drink.. Where as I've spent the last 6 months feeling happy I can have one take away a week - and I'm not actually having to order more than a persons share of food because now I'm losing weight I'm fuller after a normal amount of food
I guess it's very subjective - but to hang into the thought that after our hard battle of losing weight we will still have a problem - that's too negative for me - ill be slim and full of health and confidence - it'll all outweigh everything else
As I say - its individual I guess
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Dawnejoy said:With your attitude to it I can see that it really won't be a problem for you and I applaude you and you make me sound so negative, which wasn't my intention...........or at least I didn't think it was................maybe you are right its just me with the problem.................whoops
Corkscrew said:I think everyone has the ability to break bad habits......including bad eating habits. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's very doable Just takes time, determination and self belief.
Personally don't think anything tastes as good as slim feels.....and I intend holding onto that though. I'm determined to get to target and stay there. So can you Lollipop - you will