I've never been able to lose at that kind of rate, I've always put it down to my polycystic ovaries and probably insulin resistance. Along with the fact pretty much every diet in the past didn't restrict carbs... and the fact my willpower is questionable lol. Hopefully you will hit your target though!
I have to fight the frustration just like everyone I'm sure. It would be nice if mine would and could move faster, but I try to talk to myself in such a way that helps rather than hinders. So I've lost 9lb in around 6 weeks, over the next 6 weeks I'll be lucky if I lose 4-6 but then if I do nothing I won't lose anything. If I try my best I should at least lose some. So do I want to be sat here in 6 weeks back where I started? or do I want to be sat here at least saying ... ok. Well I'm lighter than I was last month. I'm at a point of acceptance in my life. I can maintain my status quo, I can make things worse, or... I can grit my teeth and make it better. However slowly that might be. When it comes down to quality of life it's about time I chose the latter. I've put other peoples needs ahead of my own much too often and aside from my kids who will always come first, it's my time now.
I've had a pizza made with a low carb naan today, and obviously I had to sample my baking, and I've had some dark choc. It's all in the freezer now to help me to stick to portion control. I'm going to have 1/4 of a large roasted squash with ratattouille in my bag for middle of night at work, it will be after midnight before I get to it.
Tomorrow I'll make soup with the left over chicken and stock.
It's just me and daughter this weekend but she's got plenty plans so probably won't be around much, I'll mostly just be looking after myself and the crazy dog, in between sleeping and working.
I've had a couple hours alone since son was picked up at 5, just been sitting, drinking tea, watching TV. Doesn't sound like much but I have so few hours these days when I'm truly alone I really appreciate it. I may get a few more hours during school after the Easter hols, my daughter has only been in for half a day a week lately, but should be back a bit more. Realistically though she isn't going to have a full timetable again until August!
I'm reading up that autophagy during fasting can help skin health, so wondering if it could help my psoriasis, altho the powder I got the other day has cleared up what was left of the fungal patches I had so woohoo for that. I wonder how long one has to fast to help skin, does anyone know?