Daily chat...

Thanks Vicky.

Sorry for the stupid question but I've never used this website before.

Also how do you get all your lovely signatures on the bottom of your pages? Do you have to have posted a certain number of items?

Nikki xx
yeah you need to post a ceratin number of times. If you want a ticker just click on mine and it should bring the site up :D
hey nikki when i first came on ere i was absoluty useless ,i think i still am lol !!!!!!!
Thanks Vicky. I THINK I've done it! From my poor attempt to use this site you would never know that I used to use a computer for a living prior to becoming a Mummy.

Pants to not being able to use Phili but it's something to look forward to after Thursday. Are there limits to how much I can use?

Given how many times Baby Daisy has spat her dummy out in the last ten minutes (meaning I have to run up and down the stairs) I would say I have done my quota of exercise for today :D

OK, so no pizza for me today so I have to now rethink lunch quickly... I know I have a tin of sardines in tomatoe sauce. Would these be ok? If not galettes it is with scrambled egg.

I can hear my other babies (kitty cats) going nuts in the kitchen as I have prawns defrosting on the counter. Pure torture. Bad Mummy. Better go and remove their temptation.

Thank you lovely. x

This was meant for Vicky. I was trying to reply ON her message re: ticker.

I AM USELESS!!! ha ha ha
no you arent useless. you can press quote (bottom of the message i wrote) and then add your bit :D
i would say only 30g and thats extra light. i was only using a little tub (the miniature ones lol)
sardines in tom sauce not allowed on induction. how bout a boiled egg wrap? yum
Oh ***@ ***@@ *@*** I thought i was being clever and had a quick glance at the book (page 59) and saw sardines in tom sauce. Gutted. MUST try harder. Was so tasty and now I know why!
hey nikki have u tinned salmon in u can have that ,i always have tinned stuff in just in case !!!
You're definitely right Jet, tins are the way forward. :D

i always get tins of salmon in but a certain boy of mine loves it and i end up not getting any
Is that a boy boy or a kitty boy? Mine shares my sardines with me! (kitty boy).
lol my son boy ...no kittys had them in the 70s we were breeding colourpoints , but now days i think my dog would not be impressed with a cat in the house ......
Thought id revive the chat thread seems to be sinking
hows everyone today ?
My broadband is playing up so seems to be taking ages to load a page , so along with a keyboard that sticks im doing well today lol

Ive started a christmas pressie list was thinking we couls have a chat or a thread to talk about it....( ok so i can nick your ideas for pressies for people ) as im so stuck this year sorry Laura im talking xmas already !!!!
anyway nothing happening here was supposed to be having some work done on the house but the company that was being used has gone into administration so have to wait for a new one to sort out what needs doing
quiet night as always tonight but true blood is on late so can watch that i suppose
hi :D yes too early to talk about xmas!!!
im ok - pups 7 weeks old today - go next week! theres gonna be tears!
talk about xmas ,the shop's are at it already and there are a few nice gift's in B&M bargins !!!