Daily chat...

Funnily enough Robin, I think I prefer my town walks (traffic, people, smog, traffic lights aside!!!) because there are more distractions to amuse me when I walk... where I walk in the country, once I've admired the beautiful scenery, I then continue walking... in a straight line... with the exact same scenery... for 3Km... and then walk back... looking at the exact same scenery... for 3Km. hoho!!

As for walking with someone, I'd merely natter all the way and not stride out the way I do alone... My aim is to get wherever soonest!! (I'm so not a natural exerciser!!).

Aahh Anja, it's been a long time since I came to Cambridge town centre but I can remember the traffic! (My parents (and grandparents) hail from Cambridgeshire, and my other half was living near Ely when I met him.)

I'm lucky that my walk merely eats into my sleep time(!) and doesn't lengthen my work day any other way... oooh and I'm lazy on the way home and take the train all the way!!

So off on my hols tonight and I'm ashamed to say that since we spoke last, it's been non stop eating on my part. Stupid stupid. Anyway, I'll be back with you all on Monday 27th and will avoid the scales for a bit while getting back in the saddle!

Hope you all have a good (Dukan or other!) week...
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hi daily chatter's, poor little beth and the rest of the family will be anxious and u an all i do hope all will be well ..

once im in walking mood i stride wether im with somone are not (im off ) well done to the walkers !!!

im going to be wandering around the site to do some catch up reading !!

jo when do u start ur hols hunny !!!
have a good hols Jo !! I could do with a holiday im tossing up between a european rd trip ....and my usual festival i go to next summer guessing by the weather though europe is winning
grrr work got in the way of surfing this morning (but not eating, I'm afraid...) I went out alone at lunchtime to find food... and found it! ah well!

So when I get back from hols Jet, you'll be back at work... you'll be posting out of sync then, like those from Oz, and we'll all respond to you the morning after most likely!! When I saw that post "I'm going to miss you all", I thought at first that you'd been advised to stop the diet!! phew!!

Anyway, work looms, so if I don't get back, given that I'm off in 2H or so, ENJOY ALL!
no one will be able to talk me into stopping the diet ,i know best and in fact we all know best !!!
yes scrump's europe it is not england its bloody cold now lol

yep its winning for me I keep saying we will have a summer next year mmmmmmm thats been the past 4 yrs
littlest has never been to disney so may do a stop there then down to either the south of France to see the outlaws or head right down to Portugal to see if weve squatters on our land yet lol ...problem is I may not want to come home
You can give the outlaws a miss if you want, Tania, but I'll still be here. I'll have the flags out for you... It's not much of a detour!

Jo, have a FAB holiday!
very tempted hun if we do it you will be on our visiting list
Hooray I went to a bigger Tesco today and bought 2 boxes of the cocoa! Have browsed throught the new cookery book and don't think I'm that inspired :)
Hi guys, I wanted to check with the diet and looking at my daily weights they go down say 1.1kgs, next day up maybe 300g then down the next day maybe 900gr, Is that normal? Im finding every 2nd day down and the ups only a few 100grams.
Should we still weigh everyday for the cruise phase?

Thanks and hope you all have a great night
Fluctuations are normal, it's just water from the PV days!

I only weigh myself twice a week (once mid-week and one official weigh-in - both after a PP day).

Great losses though:) - well done!
Hi Ladies
I've been following the Dukan Diet 'Attack Phase' since Thursday morning and have weighed myself this morning and I'm still my original start weight!!!! :eek:( I refuse to get disheartend as I know I can get this extra baby weight off but I can't say I'm not disappointed. I know I'm only on Day 4 but surely I should have seen some kind of result. I feel I have followed the diet correctly but feel free to tell me if I havent:
Thursday - B: Dukan Porridge L: 2 x Chicken leg and a Vanilla Muller Yoghurt D: Salmon Fillet, handful of small prawns and scrambled egg. I drank 2L of water too plus a few cups of tea.
Fri - B: Dukan Porridge L: 2 Turkey Rashers and a fried egg + 4 crab sticks D: Chicken breast stuffed with a tablespoon of quark wih Garlic Puree mixed in. + 2L water and tea
Sat - B: Dukan Porridge L: 8 Crabsticks, 2 Turkey Rashers and scrambled egg and a Muller Toffee yoghurt D: Crabmeat, Cod fillet, Handful of Prawns and half a small salmon fillet. 2L of water + tea and 1 glass of diet coke

Has this happened to anyone else, and am I doing something blindingly obviously wrong???

Any advice would be very welcomed.
seems ok to me were you on another diet straight before ?
It may all kick in after a few more days and you will have a big loss
perseverence is the key i think
Thanks Scrumper. I havent done a diet since before being pregnant, so over a year now. I'm going to hope you're right and I'll leave it another 2 days before weighing myself again. It just sucks that my Mum has eaten exactly the same as me and has lost 5lb.

Onwards and upwards.

Welcome ngreen,
Are you um having any transit issues? If so that can account for not losing.
Also cut out any salt if you use it, maybe the turkey rashers are salty?
Looks like you're doing pretty well to me.
All 'transit issues' seem to be in working order so far Jaqys LOL :eek:) I dont actually like salt so I dont use it but you could be right about the rashers. I'll lay off them for the next week just in case.

Realy appreciate you ladies helping.

Hi Ladies
I've been following the Dukan Diet 'Attack Phase' since Thursday morning and have weighed myself this morning and I'm still my original start weight!!!! :eek:( I refuse to get disheartend as I know I can get this extra baby weight off but I can't say I'm not disappointed. I know I'm only on Day 4 but surely I should have seen some kind of result. I feel I have followed the diet correctly but feel free to tell me if I havent:
Thursday - B: Dukan Porridge only using 1.5tsp oatbran?
L: 2 x Chicken leg and a Vanilla Muller Yoghurt D: Salmon Fillet, handful of small prawns and scrambled egg. how are you cooking/what with? oil should be used sparingly and for the scrambled eggs (if you use milk) are you using skimmed? I drank 2L of water too plus a few cups of tea.(again (if you use them) it's skimmed milk and sweetener)
Fri - B: Dukan Porridge L: 2 Turkey Rashers could be causing water retention due to the salt content and a fried egg again be careful not to use too much oil/fry lite + 4 crab sticks do contain sugar and salt and should be used sparingly D: Chicken breast stuffed with a tablespoon of quark is this fat free? wih Garlic Puree mixed in some garlic purees can contain oil/carbs (better to press your own if possible). + 2L water and tea
Sat - B: Dukan Porridge L: 8 Crabsticks (although it's strictly speaking "allowed" that's a LOT of crabsticks), 2 Turkey Rashers and scrambled egg and a Muller Toffee yoghurt D: Crabmeat, Cod fillet, Handful of Prawns and half a small salmon fillet. 2L of water + tea and 1 glass of diet coke

Has this happened to anyone else, and am I doing something blindingly obviously wrong???

Any advice would be very welcomed.

The following can also cause loss issues:

menstrual cycle
bowel movements
water retention
and lack of exercise (are you doing the recommended 20 minutes per day?)

hope this helps, welcome to the board - stick with it :) You'll get there xxx