Daily chat...

Vicks - so sorry to hear about your Mum. Be strong for her - thinking of you. x
Am so sorry to read this sad news, Vickki. Glad that you have a few more days holiday to spend with your Mum. Take care of you while taking care of her. My thoughts are with you. xxx
Hi guys, Im back home now. Feel like Im missing part of myself though. Mum is rebooked for another biopsy on 23rd March. She cant even walk poor thing her legs are swollen from the knees down and her arms are just black and blue.... she bruises really bad! No good news :( but Im back and didnt kill her partner while I was there (took alot not to though!) :) :)
Hope everyones doing good and having a great time and staying out of trouble :)
It would have been my Mum's birthday today too :D Awh...

Are you back on the diet Vickki? Much damage?
Happy birthday to your Mum, Vickki. Nice to see you back but sorry the news isn't good, hope the headache clears quickly.

Hugs to you, Jo. Hope you're OK, birthdays can be hard:sigh:.
Evening Jo and Laura :)
So sorry to hear your mammies not here to celebrate with you jo :( You can share mine today if you want, Im sure she would love another daughter..lol. No seriously thinking of you, It must be so hard xxxx As for damage I gained 800grams so not going to grumble at that :)
Headaches gone, Took neurofen and it went away.
Today at curves I got weighed etc and have lost 85cm, 14. something % fat and they asked if I wanted to enter into the curvette of the year comp....ummmmmmm NO! Nice of them to ask but its just not me.
Spoke to my mammie today after her drs and hospital appointments and shes still so swollen from the knees down, Now they think its the kidney doing it... God apart from having the cancer mass on it she had no problems at all with it until now.....which must be from the ICU incident :( but she had a good day and as usual cried at our gifts... so cute! I got her a box of flowers which are actually soaps and each rose petal is an individual soap....amazing! and so glad I found these on ebay! and a sexy silky nighty..great for hospital..lol and my sis and I got her a $200 gift card so she can get herself something special or special food etc and my idea behind that...so the THING she lives with cannot touch it :) Horrible greedy idiotic man!
Ok bedtime for me, Have a great day guys :) Sending you big hugs and kisses Jo :hug99:
That sounds like a really special gift Vickki.

(How awful for you ref your Mum's partner. It took me a long time to agree to meet my Dad's new lady - cos it was all too quick, typical man - but she is lovely...)

800g gain? That's nothing! (To quote the other Vicky, that's just a "good p**!"). You've done brilliantly with everything life has thrown at you recently not to seek solace there where so often we do.

Hi guys, How is everyone today? We have a dam BBQ party thing on saturday for my husbands worker...aarrgggg I hate them especially at my house!
Do you guys have Katies womans clothing over there??? I just picked up the best jeans so much stretch and they are made to pull your bum up and tumbie in!! So clever and so comfy!
tried on my long pants last night (I have a clothing fetish!some time and have soooooooo much clothes they often get left unworn) and I have gone straight from them being to tight and gross to being so overly big, Not happy!! Well good but what a waste of $$ and I have no one to give them too..... Oh well guess I will have to hit the shops again what a shame :rolleyes:
Hope you guys have a great day xxxxxxxxxx
ooh jeans are a hot topic on here these days :) the lower waistbands go the more women will talk about how bad jeans fit ! :D

haven't seen katies jeans here...x
could do with some footwear as it goes... fallen arches and pain in feet ::( not good....x

as for jeans am thinking of buying an expensive pair to shrink into (as an incentive) x
Saying that for the first time ever I am getting into items that I have bought years ago and never worn - you can spot me a mile off - the desperately unfashionable one :)

(I know for sure that a jumper I have been wearing, I bought way before my DD was born and she is nearly 17!!)