Evening Jo and Laura
So sorry to hear your mammies not here to celebrate with you jo
You can share mine today if you want, Im sure she would love another daughter..lol. No seriously thinking of you, It must be so hard xxxx As for damage I gained 800grams so not going to grumble at that
Headaches gone, Took neurofen and it went away.
Today at curves I got weighed etc and have lost 85cm, 14. something % fat and they asked if I wanted to enter into the curvette of the year comp....ummmmmmm NO! Nice of them to ask but its just not me.
Spoke to my mammie today after her drs and hospital appointments and shes still so swollen from the knees down, Now they think its the kidney doing it... God apart from having the cancer mass on it she had no problems at all with it until now.....which must be from the ICU incident
but she had a good day and as usual cried at our gifts... so cute! I got her a box of flowers which are actually soaps and each rose petal is an individual soap....amazing! and so glad I found these on ebay! and a sexy silky nighty..great for hospital..lol and my sis and I got her a $200 gift card so she can get herself something special or special food etc and my idea behind that...so the THING she lives with cannot touch it
Horrible greedy idiotic man!
Ok bedtime for me, Have a great day guys
Sending you big hugs and kisses Jo :hug99: