Daily chat...

Ooooohhh now theres a thing!

Mint? Lemon?
How about frozen yogurts? If you shove a stick in the artificial sweetened/flavoured ones you can have unlimited ice cream (sort of).

Don't know how well it freezes though.

(Obviously you may have tried already, just a thought if you're missing ice cream)
mmm its good Laura. A bit strange cos the sourness but nice though :D
lol soz Cheryl!
well got all my stuff ready for maternity ward. so now just waiting game :D
Ahh its soooooooo exciting. I expect a text or call as soon as it starts. And photos. I cant be there with you in person but will be with you every step of the way. xx
oh i will. dont worry!!!
Mmmmm or cookies and cream. You have to put some in your mouth til all the ice cream is gome and just the oreo cookie left. Lol