Daily chat...

Jet never said bye :( lol

And where is JO? is she feeling sooo bad about her naughty weekend that she is not coming on??
maybe I'm confuddled... think Jet was REALLY busy though before her hols as she was quiet for the couple of days before :) hope she's having a lovely time - lucky sod :D
Hello ladies... and I'm sorry not to have made it on this morning... (and I bet this afternoon will be the same, given the "debris" littered across my desk currently (aka "work"!)...).

I'm smiling at your wondering re my behaviour this long weekend. Friday, the day I day I feared the most as I was alone from 2pm to midnight with a housefull of goodies... no problem. I even stuck to PP, when I'd bought myself a couple of pieces of fruit for the evening, given that I wasn't in ketosis and was going to have far worse over the weekend.

The inevitable happened over the weekend, but I'm still alive and kicking, and although feeling decidedly liverish (and carb hungover), I'm perky and chirpy and not feeling down... and walked 7km this morning, even through a few raindrops...

I quickly flipped through your weighs in. Vicky, you're doing amazingly. You really are! You're also proving how much quicker our losses happen with exercise! GO GIRL! Just a few pounds and Conso for you! Fab!

Everyone who posted had lost... so that's excellent!

I'm going to keep away from scales, cos I know my body and weight so well and I've a lot of water weight which will come off fast so futile documenting that. I'm on the wagon though!

I'll check in later if I can!
Well done for the friday willpower at least.

Am going to need some of that on weds, have a networking event and the timetable has just come through, theres a break for cupcakes during the talks arrrrrrrgh going to be very hard to resist, harder than skipping the wine at the start.
Take some muffins Jaqys :D

Thanks Jo and glad you had good weekend! Ive been bad this weekend too. so carb hangover for me. But ive got the feeling my stress this week will lower my eating!!!!
Morning all...
How's everyone doing? I had a nice quiet evening - just me and my girls (the furrrry ones), and although I went to bed to a BIG empty bed, I awoke with the pair of them gazing adoringly (ok HUNGRILY) at me... awh!

Looks like it'll be a nice day today here... after the excessive heat and the storms, now it's nice...

How is everyone? Dog ok Vicky? Next weekend is the due date?
Its pouring down here, but not cold so yet again I cant light my fire to dry anything, Its actually all on the washing line at the moment, I stuck it out there yesterday hoping it would dry, and left it out, maybe it will dry today :(, Is your dog having puppies Vicky?
Nice and sunny here but just warm and not hot. Had a couple of minor thunderstorms yesterday and a fair bit of rain :D.

My daughter wants to invite a friend over this week (fair enough) but she has to have her room relatively tidy before I'm picking up the phone to invite her (you can currently barely see the floor), so I think this afternoon will be a boring tidy/cleaning one. Still, it's all exercise.

What breed of puppies, Vicky? I miss my dog:cry:.
morning Its raining here typical spent the sunny day yesterday cleaning and said id take the kids down the beach today if it was nice , thats not going to happen now
still im sure I can find something to do
Morning all. Its sunny sunny sunny here. Marks gone back to the boat and ive got the midwife today. Mum is coming with me as i need bloods taken and cant do that with Oliver. After we shall come back for a nice lunch and walk in the park
morning. its not too bad here weatherwise. colder than it has been though. been a really rubbish couple of weeks weather wise!
Hannah Montana is due this week/weekend. she is very fat and uncomfortable and im getting more nervous by the day.
She is a miniature wire haired dachshund. :D
what dog did you have Laura?
oh thats sounds nice cheryl (the park that is not the bloods)
Ah they dont bother me. the dentist though....arrrgghh