Daily chat...

i dont mind the dentist .....bloods still make me squirm and over the years i have had loads taken my 9 yr old had bloods the other week didnt flinch i had some done at the same time and had to look all brave as he was sat next to me
morning. its not too bad here weatherwise. colder than it has been though. been a really rubbish couple of weeks weather wise!
Hannah Montana is due this week/weekend. she is very fat and uncomfortable and im getting more nervous by the day.
She is a miniature wire haired dachshund. :D
what dog did you have Laura?

A boxer. My husband's parent had a smooth haired dachshund though years ago (called Pirate). He was a wee b*gger and used to pee against the furniture just after he'd been taken for a walk (and did naughty things with the cushions:eek:). Anyone else we've spoken to has never had this problem, so I think they got a rogue one. After the dachshund they had a boxer and she was so lovely that when it was time for us to get a dog (when we had a garden), we got a boxer too. No more dogs for us though, we go away too often and our friend that used to look after the dog when we were on holiday/away for weekends has now got her own dog, so it wouldn't be fair.

Best of luck for a smooth labour/births!
and did naughty things with the cushions:eek:).
lol. hence why all girls :D
thanks hon. ill be keeping you all updated x
Eek how exciting Vicky, fingers crossed it all goes ok, Its so difficult with pets, you cant do anything for them(((()))).
We have a collie called Ben, hes lovely very friendly and hard working, hes nearly 3 I think.
I dont mind bloods , rather that than dentists, I'm not even registered with one I am so scared lol.
Lol ne neither with the dentist cathy!!!
Thanks - sooo nervous lol. felt guilty at the weekend for putting her through it! he is a lovely stud I used though ;)
I love puppies, though I am more of a pussy cat girl myself, we are looking for a kitten, cant find one anywhere though.

Oh meant to say am making my orange wine today, just looking up the recipe!!
mmm sounds yummy. have got sloe gin i made last year still not drunk :D
We make plum gin, its very very nice, lol, plus apple cider, but the crop is very poor this year, I dont think there will be cider making. We have quite a few sloes on our tree this year, we might be able to make a tiny bottle of sloe gin
I dont mind the dentist (trained and qualified as dental nurse when i left school). Ive always had a problem with needles but since my asthma became really bad and having to have blood gases from an artery not a vein taken im not too bad. Its more the thought than anything else. Lol. Anyway i was really really brave and didnt even say ouch! Once the needle is in i can watch it and im fine.
Do you now mind having to give people injections either cheryl?
Lol. When i first started most of the people i had to inject were unconscious so i would get everything ready and not look when i was doing it (when i would only put them in the bum, thigh or muscular arm). Now im ok and it doesnt really bother me.
so you not scared of little pricks?? LOL
I've never taken blood but I did learn to give injections (I started student nursing training way back in the dark ages...). We practised in class on an orange... and then I was faced with bare buttocks in the ward the next day... he fortunately was unaware that it was my first time. Mindful of the warning we'd been given as to injecting into the upper right hand quarter of a buttock, else we could paralyse the person (that warning still rings in my ears - is it true Cheryl?!), I was in and out like a pro! I loved doing injections and would merrily leave the bedpans to my fellow class mates on the ward, while I Miss Brave went round with my needles!
How is everyone today?

I've updated my signature (not QUITE as bad as I feared actually!!) and am now back in the "zone"... Day 3 of PP, moving onto salad tomorrow...

I've been looking back at my weight this year and realise I've been messing around for quite a while and in fact have been over 70K (11 stone) all year, aside for four weeks when I dipped into the 69s...

Given that I'd stabilised before quitting smoking in 2007 at 67K, that is where I must now be!

So no more slip ups! (ahem)
Hi hon. Im miserable today :(
Eh thats not bad though is it? you nearly at the healthy bmi. Yes you WILL be good from now on. and i see you have moved your goal too?
eagle eyes!! I am coming to terms with the fact that I can't seem to stabilise much lower than 70K... but I've stuck to the 10 stone 7lbs goal, whereas before I'd been aiming a bit lower so as to have more leeway... daft if I'm going to have to starve to stay there, then keep bingeing.

"Normality" would be good... whatever that is!

I'm presuming your "miserability" is scale related?
Ha lol. No i think its good to choose your goal where you will happier and easier to maintain.
No not scale related. yes above posted weight but its coming off.
No im just tired, pmt ( i think), worried and hating certain bits of fat on me :D
I'm never tired in the mornings and my walk helps with that, but I needed matchsticks after lunch yesterday to keep my lids open! I do love a siesta!!

I don't really maintain easily at any weight because of my behaviour. And true weight isn't easy to establish for me either for the reasons I've already listed.

So in the dark as ever on that one...