Daily chat...

Sorry didn't see that question - no lamb allowed... (but, given that most in the UK are eating "normal" ham methinks, I'd have thought roast lamb was less fatty!!)

Thanks - I will give them a miss I think and feed them to the troups! I am avoiding ham too, because with my dodgy belly I am trying not to eat processed foods - well apart from Mullers :)
where are jet and pinkfluff? been very quiet!
yeah I noticed that !! didn't pinkfluff say she was off for her parents being around til next week??

no idea about Jet ....... she's missed :(
I recall her saying she'd be absent Monday... but just Monday!

Three weeks two days until my week off... and, while not going anywhere but the country place, I thought I'd look into an overnighter somewhere... to visit a different place.

Dilemma - do I book a hotel and surprise him? and, if so, would he prefer a central less personal hotel so as to be able to walk easily everywhere (he hates walking)... OR would he prefer a more rural personal looking hotel but we'd have to drive in and park in a car park?

Answers on a post card. Which would you prefer?
1) Hotel - surprise or discuss it (he mightn't even fancy the town I'm aiming for!!)
2) Central? More rural?

I'm thinking more rural myself... cos prettier!
How s****y is the city hotel? Though blokes tend to be less swayed by such things?

Is the aim just a change of scene?

Is the country one okay if its rainy (not so much a consideration for you I suppose)?

Is he likely to moan if you 'get it wrong' or will he go with the flow regardless? If no grumbling pick your fave ;)
I'm only looking at two star, so city hotel 80+ roomed places look anonymous and boring to me... the smaller rural one appeals more because there are only 10 bedrooms (here's a link in English ... and if anyone has any idea why breakfast has three different prices next to it...?!)

The decor in the bedrooms is rather suspect and (let's say) "original"... reminds me of an English friend who bought a lovely thick stone walled house... and the previous French owners had wallpapered over the beams! (what?!)...

The other half WILL blame me and grumble if he doesn't like the city or it rains, but he's generally appeased by the chance for a long drive, to be able to play with the satnav, and give his camera an airing!
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stay home in case it rains?!!! haaaaa!!
ellooooooooooooo ladies , im bak ,well i was informed on sunday afternoon that a hotel had been booked for a overnight stay on monday in scarborough has my OH's sister's and there children where going for a week has jordan was staying at his nan's it wasnt to much of a prb,so i thought OMG lol (my diet ) so off we went 7 am monday morn had a good few day's and was bak late last night !!

and guess wot ? OH had hold of laptop most of the day ............. MEN lol ..

hes out now so im chillin and trying to catch up again !!!

so i hope we all had a good weekend !!
Good to see you back on board Jet :) We had been wondering where you'd gotten to....

Hope you had a good time?

Were you dukanning while you were away?
ominous silence after that question!!!!

I've been made to work this morning - grrrr! Hope this doesn't continue!! haaa!
hey Jo hows work?
Jet nice to see you back ;)
hello SLIM vicky!! (where's that photo???!)

What's this I hear that tomorrow is treat meal, yet Conso starts on Monday?!!!
hi there ladies ,had the worse day today ,i found out in this month's wage slip that they have put me on half pay without informing my manager ,so she could inform me !!

im so confused now and more stressed out than ever been crying on and off all day ,on top of everything i know im going to have to find the extra money from somewhere ,the point is if they had of told me i would have worked around this to do wot they wanted and what works best ....

i could swear so so loud ,and hit them hard in the face mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!

and ive been feeling so off today ive not eaten a thing and ive a massive headache too !!!!!!
Oh Jet I am sorry... I don't know how sick time works over there, I'm afraid, as to how long you can be off on full pay... do you suppose you've exceeded your allowance or something or can you appeal perhaps?
hey jo thats not the prb the prb is they never informed me when it was happening ,and we had a new policy on sick which was brought in on 1st jan 2010 ,so u would think they would use one or the other ,but it seems they are using both the old policy and the new one ........... confused i am
is there someone in the firm you can turn to for advice? (otherwise the Citizens Advice Bureau are excellent...)
im in the vast place called the NHS and ive been to HR and they just try and fob u off !!