Daily chat...

Wow Jet, you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Hopefully you can get the support you deserve and need (firing arrows at the school for not offering help once they'd noticed too) for your son now that the ball is rolling, so to speak and that both houses sell quickly so that you can find a gorgeous house to live in together.
thanks a lot bubblemum and robinhood ,you know im not a perfect mum ,i just do my best for my family ,we are not in a hurry to sell so to speak ,i think because there are no school phsyloist in school no more it's harder to spot ,but my OH who i met oct 09 when my eldest son dan was very poorly ,knew there was somthing about jordan and also his mum who worked in a special need's school and his sister who is a teacher but i knew there was somthing it;s just getting the right people to belive u and listen and thank god they have !!

i know my eldest son dan is looking down on us all to get the right treatment he need's !!
Hey... kids don't come with a "user manual" so there is no perfect Mum! Each does her best and most get it right most of the time...!

I just had an exchange with someone here who admitted to lifting her foot to a neighbour's cat who's bothered her with yowling in her garden at night stopping her sleep... errrr other people's kids WAILING in the night bug me but I wouldn't think of putting my shoe to a well nappied behind... <would I?!!>
well jo i think u should ,i know i have children but when im out i cant stand wailing kids lol !!!
*cowers in shame after my kids' antics in the supermarket this morning*

(in their defence, they weren't shouting/wailing, just running. The one hour wait in the doctor's surgery, followed by their jabs must have been too much 'staying still' for them.

I wouldn't kick a cat but was sorely tempted to do something to my kids this morning! Tying their legs together might have worked:p.
lol they are hardwork sometimes little monkey's and it doesnt get any better when they are older either !!! lol
and, funnily enough, seeing children trussed up would bother me far less than a cat!

as for your kids' antics at the supermarket today, I'm sure gallic eyebrows were risen knowingly ("aaah les anglais"!)
None of them look like me although my husband isn't very dark. None of them speak English either (understand it though) so no raising eyebrows at the Brits:p. Just rowdy kids, I don't think I'm on my own at the end of 2 months' holidays though. Small comfort.

My husband's nephew used to be strapped into his bed (with a leather belt) to stop him getting out. I raised my eyebrows at that one and never asked how they did it. Poor kid.
mmmmmmmmmm thats not very good ,and still no way to treat a child ,some people eh !!!
I don't follow ANY of her examples. In fact, the total opposite is probably the best way!
Crikey that would be drastic, even for me! And I do admit to being shocked once, when checking on a child for whom I was babysitting, to discover a locked bedroom door... hmm... teaching children to be seen and not heard I'd love to see a revival of(!), but locking them in bedrooms is dangerous!

As for strapping someone down, gosh!!

ooh no that your kids don't speak English! My officemate's daughter's like that, so she sent her off to England this summer for a week with Grandma! Grandma says she DOES speak English... hmm..; interesting!!

Off home in a mo... speak tomorrow...

a sunny good morning from here too! It was very chilly first thing (about 7am) when we set off but it's lovely now!

Meanwhile I'm counting the days till CONSO!! (see separate thread re: questions)

Must do some shoe shopping today :) Autumn is coming and I have no proper shoes left... My last boots were thrown out, they had lots of holes.

morning all im back ...weekend was good and bad so back on tread mill today did cycle saturday and monday God i hate cycling.. going to dust the wii fit off from today kids still off from school till monday
so running around with them diet not too bad been on pv with a couple of naughtys slipped in !!! not weighing till thursday so will see if any damage done
right off to pick up school stuff and do some shopping
Ive made phone calls most of morning, booked the car in for a service, just going to phone asking why they are still taking £33 out of my account for broadband when its only supposed to be £15 ggrr, need to make Emma a Gym bag, and I need to make some labels for some soap I made yesterday. Made more soap earlier. Just come back home for lunch and finishe the phonecalls.
Mine's in for service on Saturday! Fingers crossed nothing wrong!