Daily chat...

For you in particular Jet, no caffeine coke seems a wise move. It seems counter productive to have all that caffeine in the day then need medication to sleep...

I drink most often 1 x Diet Coke a day. Even when "eating", I stick to Diet Coke for fear of preferring the taste of "real Coke" thereafter. I cannot see the point of "wasting" calories on the real stuff (or coming out of ketosis for it Sarah!). I do understand if people prefer not to use sweetener at all though, but then the ketosis thing becomes difficult. Vicky/Cheryl - what do they say in Atkins ref. diet/non diet drinks?
morning ladies !!

re; sleeping tablets - i was on these well before i started this diet but i still understand that caffine isnt a good thing so i will drffo try and knock it on the head !!

hope we are all ok today !!

I so need the caffine in the mornings. One day I'll try and knock it on the head but not in conjunction with cruise.
Looks like schools are back so will have to start aiming for the early bus, ugh.
my son isnt bak till 13 sept , then he is in hospital on 15 OMG ..
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Gosh that's late Jet... remind me what the 15th is about?

Another beautiful sunny morning, but gosh it was chilly when I left home at 7.15am for my walk! It's awkward needing summer clothes in the afternoon, yet gloves wouldn't be too much in the mornings! haaaa!

Feeling much better in myself... and body seems to be unbloating...
13th wow thats late. Here some went back yesterday apparently and some not til monday. Then the students will all be back and the bus will be a sardine tin :(

Still I'm away this weekend so can escape it for a few days.

Thats good for the unbloatyness Jo.
Where are you off to for the weekend Jaq?
Oh a weekend of shows and catching up - sounds perfect. Have fun.:D
Sounds great Jaqs... we usually make it up for a day when home, but haven't been to a show for years... probably way back to when I last lived there in 1986. (London is really pricey I find when I come home!!).

Robin - do you tend to stay in France for Christmas?
All - anyone making Christmas plans? Most think I'm crazy, but I have to put in my holiday soon and can't decide what to do! UK definitely for Christmas, but no Bank Holidays here, so do I wanna drag it on until NY? hmm... not always easy being in family clutches that long when used to independence!! (and, because I lost my Mum years ago, I tend to have to turn into chief cook and bottle washer as well!!)
Sounds great Jaqs... we usually make it up for a day when home, but haven't been to a show for years... probably way back to when I last lived there in 1986. (London is really pricey I find when I come home!!).

Robin - do you tend to stay in France for Christmas?

Yes, I much prefer it here, especially Christmas eve when it's just us 5 together and we can eat what we want:eek:, for Christmas Day we spend lunchtme at his sister's with his parents and her family (they're all lovely apart from the sister, but as long as we watch what we say, she's OK:rolleyes:) and my Mum isn't fit to have us now anyway and our family is fairly scattered so nowhere to reunite anyway (apart from my Mum's house, so no go).

Christmas starts on Christmas eve and finishes on Christmas Day evening and doesn't get mentioned until November, so wash your mouth out, Jo!

All - anyone making Christmas plans?

I honestly found london much less expensive than down here for living costs (council tax, groceries, travel costs, my rents more here too but I accept equivalent would be more in the smoke).

I go to shows a lot, am a total fangirl for some actors, trying to get myself to see more locally but tend to go up and see a batch in one go. Will probably see 5 in 3 days this visit!

Christmas I was planning on going away to avoid doing the family thing but have a relative coming over from the US so will do a few days at home.
Robin - one word. BAH HUMBUG! (I LOVE Christmas!! Can you tell?)

Jac - wow! five in three days! Is that kiosk still there where you can get cheaper tickets for the day's shows? I used to go when I lived there, and a friend and I would take turns in choosing which actually meant my seeing (usually GOOD!) things I'd never have chosen otherwise.

Interesting to read your cost analysis. We usually find England SO cheap, but it's true that the day in London sets us back a fair whack with meals, snacks and drinks out, and paying to get into whatever we go to. Plus train and tube travel seems rather dear! I'm probably out of touch. (I got 20p out for my Daily Mail a couple of years ago and wasn't sure why the girl was waiting patiently for the rest! I've now wised up - always pay with notes, like when abroad and you don't understand the currency you're using!)
Gosh that's late Jet... remind me what the 15th is about?

Another beautiful sunny morning, but gosh it was chilly when I left home at 7.15am for my walk! It's awkward needing summer clothes in the afternoon, yet gloves wouldn't be too much in the mornings! haaaa!

Feeling much better in myself... and body seems to be unbloating...

its jord's adenoids and tonsills op on 15th sept !!!
ooooh... I've still got all of mine!
RE XMAS - im going to be a xmas pooper lol !!

im really not looking forward to xmas this year due to the fact it's our 1st one snce dan(my son) passed ,and will be 9 months on the 3rd sept ,where does the time go !!

but we have spoken about wot we will do i normally stay home and cook and sometimes a few of the family come ,mainly my mum but this year we may eat out r go to OH 's parents so we will see ,cause im deffo not cooking this year !!!
I honestly found london much less expensive than down here for living costs (council tax, groceries, travel costs, my rents more here too but I accept equivalent would be more in the smoke).

I go to shows a lot, am a total fangirl for some actors, trying to get myself to see more locally but tend to go up and see a batch in one go. Will probably see 5 in 3 days this visit!

Christmas I was planning on going away to avoid doing the family thing but have a relative coming over from the US so will do a few days at home.

hi jaqy's enjoy ur show's will be good ,ive always wanted to see a show but never got round to it yet lol !!
well ladies i forgot to inform u all yesterday that my car failed her MOT ,so im just waiting for the retest now and ....................

MY bill is ................ROUND THE £ 400 plus mark OMG ah well !!
Did the same garage who MOT'ed her do the repairs too?