Daily chat...

weightlossresources is a fab website but I got fed up paying for it!

If yr only carbs are veg & fruit Jo you can't go wrong surely?? Just need to limit the high carb ones I guess... mind you I love sweetcorn & beetroot & I know they spike me so that I crave after eating them so I don't have them very often!

myfitnesspal is good but I hate they way you can't organise yr favourites very well...
morning ladies ,

well i just made a pint pot cuppa and ive only used 1 sweetener (im trying )and i also bought some diet and caffine free coke yesterday .

i feel very strange to today been thinking alot about mouse and her little baby !!

and jo im so glad ur little puddy is back home !!
will be bak on in a while got a meeting at work so need to pick my mum up

cya all later xxxx
Linz - I've never paid for WLR... (but must have created quite a few email addresses haaaaa!). I'm such a creature of habit that, once I'd worked out a fortnight's menus, that was me pretty much sorted anyway.

I opened Myfitnesspal again, once I'd remembered my username duh, and gosh it's so long winded... anyway had work so will try again maybe later.

As we know, it's not fruit and veg which is going to stop us stabilising! And far better not go from one fad to another... (I've got baby parsnips and carrots ready for picking... and I'm eating them! AND my peas too! and beets! YUM YUM!!

Thanks Laura - I've just been perusing my last blood test, and looking good... 95mg/l when norm is 86-102... (wondering how I managed that since, before Dukan, I hardly ate ANY dairy never having been a fan of milk or yoghurt and I HATE contrex! hmm...)
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if anyone is my friend on fitness pal you can see my menus now

Tried on old clothes last night, seems I've lost the I hate this city gain, the unemployed sat on my arse gain and am part way into the omg this job is killing me gain.

So about 3 years worth of piling on the pound gone and feeling both happy and mad at myself.
morning ladies !!

hey jaqy's dont feel sad r mad at urself ,ive been down that road recently,and when i was 9st my eldest son used to always say ur to thin mum i wasnt coz im only 5ft 2 ,he knew how i felt about my apperance and u know i swear he was up there pumping me up lol and now he has finally stopped pumping and is finally letting me slim again !!!

our imagination are very strange i think !!!!!!!
Our minds are funny, I had eating issues the other way through puberty(went through it early), I've never felt as fat at my fattest as I did at 7 stone.

I'm pleased with myself for getting on with it now and not letting a bad day at work derail me, just mad I waited so long to start but know my head wasnt ready before.
thats it jaqy's !!! we can only do these things when we are in the right frame of mind !!!
Good to see you feeling positive Jacqs... our minds are indeed strange things. Having been hugely overweight myself, I can honestly say that I FEEL more overweight at 75K than I ever did at 141K... being on an upward trend is more disturbing somehow than being right up there...

And at 100K I strutted my stuff in swimming pools in the city, and on the beach in the South of France - proud of my 40K loss!

This weight stuff is so in the head, it's untrue...

Last night I tried clothes on too... and it saddened me to see that the clothes I proudly purchased weighing a stone lighter don't go near me at the moment... (and why is one stone seemingly mentally harder to shift - this year so far at least - than 11 were previously?!!)
Its rubbish having too small clothes, especially barely worn ones.

Last night i found a pair of jeans I'd forgotten in my current size and a pair that are slightly smaller in the same size which I hope will fit by the time I go on holiday.
A bunch of tops that now fit again I'm a bit Hmmmmmm about, seem to be bought as they fitted not that I wanted.

I'm off in a mo, no weighing for 2 days and I'll try and stay away from alcohol.
Enjoy Jacqs! Yes let's see if we can get some good weekends in!
ive got clothes that i know wot fit yet size 10 bottoms and im not going to even try them until ive lost another stone lol

tomorrow night me and my oh are going to his parent 50th wedding annivesary ,got my meal all planned and although not dukan friendly some of it is but im looking forward to it !!!
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I'm a newbie here, hi :)! I started Dukan on Friday, going for a 5 day attack stage. Seems ok so far. Eating lots of chicken at the moment.
Hi good luck xx