Daily chat...

Vicky/Cheryl - what do they say in Atkins ref. diet/non diet drinks?

It just advises to watch out for the citric acid in them as it can stall you... I used to drink lots of no added sugar squash & it stalled me because of the citric acid. Doesn't affect everybody but its very interesting finding out what does affect you. x
Cheers Linz... squash isn't an option with Dukan because of the "fruit" (not that there's much in it, but it's not really a French thing so it was a resounding "no" when asked). But I presume one would come out of a light ketosis with a normal Coke?

Jet - over here, the test centre cannot do the repairs...
oops didnt realise SF squash was a no (thought it was mentioned as a yes), its only 2 cals a serve so guessing its not done much damage, dont drink it that often.

Totally understand Jet not wanting to do Christmas the same as before, the gap would seem that much bigger. I love going away and forgetting it exists.

Jo you should meet my dad he loves chrimbo - house covered in lights, if we're not quick to hide the suit he'll dress as santa to deliver gifts to the neighbours, I revert to being a most embarrassed indignent teen.

Yes the tkts booth is still in leicester square, Only use it for sat nights for shows without dayseats. Used to pop in after work if I felt like a pick me up though (I really miss that).

I think a normal coke would knock me out with the volume of sugar.
mmm xmas ...weve been invited to oh parents in France but doubt we will go as were saving for other things Quiet one this year , kids have been told santa on a budget and boy he is that lol

I love going up to london too I also find the west country more expensive plus you have to travel to get anywhere to get stuff ...even the bus cost more than a taxi where i live !!!!!

ive not been to a show for years Im hoping American Idiot comes over from Broadway and that will be a definate trip to town lol
From the bus station to the stop after work is over £7 first thing(I hear people buying it).
I've done a return on the coach to london for that. Its one of my moans about living here(but not enough to make me buy a car).

Would love American Idiot to come over too, and Next to Normal.
Unfortunatly we're getting Shrek and maybe Million dollar quartet.
my only gripe is i dont really like london to to busy ,i went to barcelona and i found it just like london ,i hated every minute !!!!!!
Jaqs - I may be wrong about the squash where the UK is concerned (since some things are different seemingly across the water)! Anyone know?

Transport here is cheap. My monthly travel card now is about the same as it was for me in 1986 in London! (AND half is reimbursed by the employer!!)...
I live on the edge of nowhere so a car is essential unless your happy to stay where you are saying that where i lived before was worse ....I do tend to train down to Exeter every now and again
I try to get the easyrail advance for London can do that for 20 return if im lucky
asda's sf squash is about 2 cals a glass so i do drink it but not often so i do think its ok !!

double strength squash - tropical

per 100ml

2 cal
protien - trace
carb's - 0.2 of which sugars 0.2
fat - trace
fibre - trace
sodium - 0.03g
got my car back yehhhhhhhh !!!

why is it that when our car's have been in the garage they always feel different to drive when u get bak it !!!
Morning all,

I went very quiet on here yesterday. Reading about poor Mouse's cat... and with mine having escaped in the country into the fields behind our house, I was a wreck.

I'm happy to report that the minx returned 13 hours after her escape, totally unscathed (but she'll have a dose of Frontline and a worm pill when I see her!). Her sister, however, hissed, arched her back and spat at her! Unfamiliar smells I guess.

Again, I'm so sorry Mouse...

On a brighter note, unbloat continuing and scales showing +600g from last Friday... very pleased am I...

Vick - very interested in your discussion yesterday but didn't join in cos I'd only have put the dampers on it. I'd be interested in your diary in seeing what you're eating and the carb breakdown from Fitness Pal if you can copy and paste it. Perhaps this is where someone like me could learn about carb counting - something I've never looked at before, always having avoided Atkins because of the fat and my refusal to limit my fruit intake!

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Jo, while Jet is talking about squash, I bought some 'sugar-free' sirop as recommended by someone in the village. It's (2 gr carbs of which 1.5g sugar) for 100 ml. I figured that if I could add maybe a tbs to a bottle of contrex it would take the contrex taste away. If I can manage to drink 1 1/2 litre of contrex every day, that would be 75% of my calcium requirements sorted. It's not necessary just now, but when I'm allowed cheese once a day on conso it will be hard to continue with the yogurt. So one portion of cheese would sort out the other 25%. Does that make sense?

Contrex tastes vile, I really struggle with it:mad:.
I can't bear Contrex... nasty stuff! If your squash has "sugar" in it, won't that bring you out of ketosis? I really don't know... I haven't looked into calcum requirements etc... Do you know you have a problem in that area? I'm wondering now whether it's one of the many things I'm checked on each year. Thank goodness for France and its health care! (My annual blood test did pick up a vitamin D deficiency this year...)
Actually Linz I swore I'd not spend another penny on the dieting industry... (but then did buy that CBT book... I'm on page 3 only of that. I'm not a good non fiction reader!!). I did speak to Jim at one point about it, but the restrictions on fruit wouldn't have interested me. When trying to maintain, I want to be able to eat fruit and all veg freely (having lost 11 stone in the past eating it!).

If I'm honest though, it's not that causing me problems... it's the old carb raids at weekends...

Vicky? Where are you?!!
Im here, So sorry Mouse and Jo so glad you got your baby back!

The vicky diet is going to be carb and calorie and fat counting. Im setting cals at 1200 per day, sat fat at 13 and carbs at 50 max.
Ive done my meal planner already and have done sundays menu on my fitness pal.
When i get chance later ill put it on. Im at 35 g carbs and 13g fat and thats with my low fat cheeseburger pie.
Jo if you join up and become my friend you can see my menus when i change the settings? im lvllt on there too.
I cant see why you cant add fruit in this too. I think ill be using fitness pal as my gauge more than anything-not doing dukan or atkins strictly. ok it takes some work to make sure cals etc are right, but you can also add exercise so you can see how much you will weigh in 5 weeks too.
p.s. Jo you did really well with healthy eating before and thats what i want to do now.
Thanks Vicky - I'll have another look at Fitness Pal (I found it rather complicated, but I guess once you've set up your regular meals, it'll become easier.)

While I called what I did "healthy eating", when I actually put a day's food into www.weightlossresources.co.uk (which often has free trial periods), my daily breakdown was 65% carb because of all the fruit and veg.

I didn't however have any starch (or oatbran or wheatbran obviously cos I didn't yet know about it) and so it wasn't really that balanced.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to eat a "normal" meal and not gain a tonne... but perhaps that's too idealistic!

I've been out of ketosis now for four weeks which already, for me, is a feat because I've been using it too much to control my "hunger" (aka eating disorder).

Yesterday I found a fabulous site over here to calculate how far I am actually walking (because sites like mappy just give you the most direct route as a pedestrian, whereas I'm detouring wildly now). Yesterday was 7.2K, in 1hr10 (but lots of stopping and starting for road crossings)...
I can't bear Contrex... nasty stuff! If your squash has "sugar" in it, won't that bring you out of ketosis? I really don't know... I haven't looked into calcum requirements etc... Do you know you have a problem in that area? I'm wondering now whether it's one of the many things I'm checked on each year. Thank goodness for France and its health care! (My annual blood test did pick up a vitamin D deficiency this year...)

It's sugar from the fruit (citrus), not added refined sugar, I know that we're not supposed to drink fruit juice, but it would only be a tiny amount and I figured there is less sugar in that than the lemon juice.

I'm not lacking in calcium (not routinely checked as far as I know) but my Mum has osteoporosis and I'm doing my best to ensure that I don't have crumbly bones later. It's her health problems that have given me a kick up the bum to get the weight shifted.

Oh and for info, adult women need about a gram a day (about 700 mg in a bottle of Contrex).