Daily chat...

Welcome JHartshorn, and hope to see you around the forum... we have a daily menu thread, a recipe area, and feel free to open a personal diary (that we'll all eagerly snoop in!!). Good luck!

Hope everyone had good weekends... I won't be around much until lunchtime, but thought I'd say hello.

My weekend revolved around a car service (OK!), a log burner needing a spare part(!), lots of vegetable picking, and a LONG walk! Food obviously figured, and this has to be my best weekend in yonks! YAY me! (Not "perfect" but "better"...).

morning all ,

and welcome to jhartshorn and good luck with the diet !!!

well my weekend went well went out on sat night enjoyed myself but maybe overdid the sparkling wine a bit so i ended up being a bit sick whoops ,so i was a bit under the weather yesterday and i could hardly eat anything so today feeling a bit better to day and i also weighed myself and the scales are being good and are on my side !!

so i hope we all had good weekends !!!

and well done jo on ur better weekend !!!
Well done Jo... sounds like you enjoyed your weekend on all counts!

My weekend was good too, Saturday was a bit of pampering (a girls gotta look her best under the knife! :D) & Sunday I helped my friend out decorating tables & rooms for her sisters wedding, was lovely! I've managed to lose a stone since last Tues which has also put a spring in my step & have an urge to nest today so its marigolds on & clean, clean, clean.... helps that the little ones went back to school today to!
Well done all for having good weekends.
Jet its always nice to have friendly scales.

I'm still beaming from having a such good time.

3 days Linzi - how excited are you?? Well done on the massive loss before going in.
Wow Linz... you're flying! You sound so very happy, it's lovely to read! So the surgery is in 3 days... do you go in the night before? how long are you in? (and if all this info is in your diary, feel free to send me there...)
Jo I won't make you venture to my diary... its bedlam over there!

I have to be there at 0730 on Thurs & they think I'll be first in being diabetic as we have to stop eating at 1500 the day before & then stop drinking at midnight so they need to get me in to sort out my blood sugars, although coz I'm low carbing they are bang on normaly again now!

I'll be in for 3-4 days, guess that depends on how well I behave! ;)
hey all again thanks jaqy's and wow linzi on the stone nice one ,i might not say much linzi but im thinking about u and im excited for u and good luck with ur recovery !!

and ive just had a blinking scrape with my car in asda's carpark only a few scratches mind my take on this is with where both in the wrong ah well !!
Oh Jet - yes, are you ok? car parks are often awkward as they don't give you a lot of room for manoeuvre...

Linz - thank you for that - laptops allowed? (alas I did venture over and salivated over Cheryl's lovely cheesecake recipe with a tub of double cream! aaaah! even envisaging her arteries 10 years down the line (as I've trained myself to do ;)), didn't work as I so adore lemon cheesecake! )
and ladies im just about to start a diary ,i had it all wrote out and the blinking page froze and logged me out so i have to start again so will be a while ,while i do it on a notebook page and transfer !!!!!!!!
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hey all again thanks jaqy's and wow linzi on the stone nice one ,i might not say much linzi but im thinking about u and im excited for u and good luck with ur recovery !!

and ive just had a blinking scrape with my car in asda's carpark only a few scratches mind my take on this is with where both in the wrong ah well !!

Thanks babes... hope you & the car are ok.... xxxxxx

Oh Jet - yes, are you ok? car parks are often awkward as they don't give you a lot of room for manoeuvre...

Linz - thank you for that - laptops allowed? (alas I did venture over and salivated over Cheryl's lovely cheesecake recipe with a tub of double cream! aaaah! even envisaging her arteries 10 years down the line (as I've trained myself to do ;)), didn't work as I so adore lemon cheesecake! )

I'm sure it could be made with creme fraiche (is that the cream subsitute one or is that fromage frais?? I always confuse them!)

Some of the recipes on the recipe thread are fabulous & easy to change to low fat... if you have a spare 3 hours to scan them all! x
Hey Linz... yes I've attempted several times variations on the cheesecake theme using "ok Dukan fodder" and, let's face it, double cream is always gonna win... (or maybe it's my talent for using my imagination that's lacking as desserts made with fromage frais just are too light and fluffy for words! OK when desperate, but nothing like the real thing...).

Unfortunately, despite my penchant for all that is low fat, low carb... my previous preferences are still there... just below the surface! haaa!

Oh Jet - that is SO annoying when that happens!
Hi everyone,

glad to see you all had a good weekend! I'm sure the sunny weather is helping :)

Just grabbing a minute while DD2 has her nap (Mondays at home) and then we do the school run (school walk!) to pick up DD1 and then it's chaos from there on!

I've spent the whole day pre-cooking: mini baked cheesecakes again, mini 'quiches' for a bring and share do this evening, I'd like to be able to snack on more than that raw vegetables! And finally cooking now is beef & tomato stew for tomorrow...


As for my weight - so near and still so far! I am determined to get to 64 properly, so have to wait till I get down from the 64.2 where I am now stuck despite being really strict.

When I do get to my target, I will make sure I take some proper photos, even though I don't have any real 'before' type pics to compare them to: usually it's me with the camera so I'm not in the pictures...

Work is getting busier now in preparatiopn for the start or term (I work in the University) so I might not be able to pop in as much during the day but rest assured I am around and I get email summaries too!

Have a good day everyone!
thank you all ladies ,it was well annoying and it toke me ages to write so i had to do it on a notepad page and do it that way so if u want to read my first attempt at a diary u will have to download it !!!

Just on quickly here, what a day!

Strikes on and majorly affecting schools, no school for the younger two (and a friend has asked me last minute to look after her daughter too). Eldest needs ferried about today, some teachers are in, some aren't - but we don't know for definite until he's actually there - and no canteen so he needs to come home for lunch and no school transport. Thankfully he's in today with a friend so we're splitting the drop-off/pick-ups.

It's raining so we won't be venturing out much and the youngest two are already up and breakfasted (they woke when the eldest got up - 6.30) so fun, fun, fun! Still homework is being done as I type!

Hope everyone else has a quieter day!
Laura - what a pain!! hope the day isnt too bad

Its still really windy here today, and now dull, I may still hang out my washing just in case, half an hour of blustery wind before any rain comes, may just be enough to dry it.
We had a 10 second power cut last night, and my sister said there was a dead seagull and 2 dead geese by the transformer this morning, eeew.
Just going to get the tiddlers up for school, Emma always wakes up with a smile these days, thank goodness, so hope that means shes enjoying school.
Peter is back this evening, maybe 9.30ish, I cant remember what time they said, but his friends dad is a teacher and has gone with them on the trip and he drove them to the train in his car , he only lives along the road, so hes bringing him back too. All good hope everyone has a good day