Daily chat...

I don't have one...
Why avoid it Vick?
Linz - you must... to be able to recognise yourself afterwards, truly... I still sporadically find myself gawping in shop windows, just to see who the person in my reflection is...
I dont have one, but the lift in my building does (yes still using it). I have previously stepped into the lift and walked straight back to my flat to change before going out too.
YES i wish i had some pics (other than face ones)
i might my bf to take some full length and let you see
It's true that it does help when losing to really SEE oneself...
Morning all,

Left home early with good intentions of walking to work, and braved the drizzle for 25 mins (aaaah my hair!) before diving into a metro station when the rain became heavier. Roll on summer hey? For us, it's hopefully returning tomorrow with a great weekend ahead, so the goosepimples I've at the moment (because I'm persisting at wearing SUMMER clothes - well it's SUMMER!) will go in time I'm sure... (have four cardigans here if not!!).

How is everyone?
Dry here so far :D
Things are okayish, not log til the bank holiday, cant wait for 3 lie-ins. Not sleeping much at the mo.
oh so you have a Bank Holiday on Monday? (Does that mean I'll be talking to myself on here?!)
good morning all ,im just up trying to get back into a routine from my late nights on hols lol..... anyway ive been a bit naughty by weighing myself everyday since ive been home but the results i think for me r outstanding im currently down 6lb's ,so im home and eating the correct food's cooked in a healthy way and that makes a mighty big difference .... so im a happy happy bunny !!!

hey jo with me not being at work i wasnt aware a bank hol was coming up so i may be on i may be not !!!
That's great Jet! You've got straight back in the saddle!
you know jo when i was on hol's all i was thinking about was i need to get bak home to eat healthy food ,coz i felt crap with the food i was eating !!!
fab Jet :D can I have the fairy now pretty pretty please ;)