Personal Training session today, not really feeling up to it (still haven't settled into that more energy phase) but he's agreed to go easy on me! (probably not the same as my definition of easy though...)
Got my exercise on the bike today. Haven't been able to ride for a while due to tennis elbow. Back to cycling to and from work four days a week plus gym at least 3 times a week should more than cover 30mins of exercise a day
well done Sam loving my bike at mo, been taking it down to the reservoir every few nights, hoping we don't get any snow in this neck of the woods like being able to get out and about x
Had a personal training session in my gym today. Started with "explosive cardio". 3 sets of stairs, where 1 set = 1xsprint up stairs, 1xdouble tap run up stairs, 1xhop-hop up stairs and 2xtwo-at-a-time. Then I had 5 "Man-makers" with 15lb weights followed by running around the block with a sand bag on my shoulders. That was 1 set, I had to do 3. Started feeling nauseous halfway through the 2nd set We were going to do some TRX stuff because we had extra time but I ended up having to make a bee-line for the restrooms, where I lost my breakfast lol. Ooops! First time thats happened to me, kinda proud I managed to push myself that hard
1 hour 35 mins hacking. 12.66 km. Max speed 27.8 km/hour-uphill!! After numerous bucks I admit I was tanked, but I stayed on!! Then claimed a moral victory by making him canter when he didn't want to afterwards app suggests I burned 380 cals. I feel its more like 800!! X