Daily menus

Today its Pv day so
Breakfast - coffee & pancakes (the ones made with 1 egg, plus 1 egg white & sweetner)

Lunch- Tuna salad

Dinner Chicken something lol, maybe stew or just floating in vegetable water lol
Has your oatbran turned up yet, Cathy?
morning :)
B - scrambled eggs with cayenne and galette
L - chicken tikka salad
D - steak and green beans and dukan style bearnaise sauce :D
Has your oatbran turned up yet, Cathy?

Not yet Laura no, but I looked on Ebay and it's been dispatched, so just have to be patient. Cant wait to make a galette lol.
Cathy I love how you are doing little goals wth your ticker :D
Thanks Vicky, it seems to make it not so bad. I had been stuck for ages at over 200lbs(before this diet) and instead of making my goal 150lbs, I decided to make it 199lbs, and I didnt take very long to do it, but then I forgot to move my goal and though I was still trying to loose weight and always was on a diet to get to 150lbs, but it kept going up then down then up and back down. then I joined here and thought enough is enough, I will have instead of loosing a stone each time I will do it in lbs and go down by 10lbs each time. Just makes it easier.
When you have more than just a few lbs to loose, its too disheartening to keep ending back where you started every other week. I've just had enough of that. My daughter (last child) runs off to full time school in 5 weeks time and I have things planned for me!!!
I totally agree, its a great way to do it. Little goals arent so daunting, you will do it this time. This diet really is fantastic and has taught me a whole new way of eating.
What have you got planned for yourself when your daughter starts school?
The only thing I really miss is wine, I dont know if I will manage completely abstaining but each maybe 5lbs I loose I will have a wee glass. I have a very sociable life lol, but dont drink loads all the time or anything(yikes I'm making my self sound like a right alki), but I am good at just having one glass. But I do love wine.

As for plans, I make handmade soap and body products (bath truffles/intensive moisturisers etc) and am doing really well but I cant do as much with my daughter here, so once shes gone to school, I can get to work properly, plus have a very tidy house lol.
oooh lovely :D do you have a website???
tell you a secret. ive drunk nearly every weekend on this diet, wine or vodka. and look at my losses still.
Jo shouts at me though cos its naughty. and so does sarah. lol.
Hmmm interesting:giggle:. I suppose if you didnt loose whilst enjoying a weekly glass of something then you would look again at your diet and cut drinks out, if not then theres no harm ;-)
Oh website yes I do but I am so busy ATM I am having trouble keeping up with it, but after next weekend (6th August) I will be putting more stuff on it

Its here Welcome To Lochbroom Soap
But officially I dont agree with drinking on this diet lol x
ooh off to have a look at your site now :D
wow Cathy you are far up in Scotland. What a beautiful place to live xxxx
use to live in Scotland :) dream of going back one day...

website's great Cathy :) no doubt you'll get some orders on here... stick your web address in your sig :D...
ooh yeah good idea. shall i put mine on ;)
nothing. but i have my doggy website :D
no cos she is due next weekend. but the one after yes. Oh and Ill be at goal by then too. The fairy said so. Infact she said ill be under lmao.