Daily menus

Oh I know I could start faffing around with a cauliwobble, but not in somebody elses house, and I dont have a cauliflower here. I will be doing that at the weekend though it sounds gorgeous, I love cauliflower in curry.

P.s Jo I have made honey and walnut fudge and profiteroles with whipped cream and now I am about to make the chocolate sauce. I will have to taste the chocolate sauce but I only need the very tip of a teaspoon to know if its ok.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm drooling here
<I'm a little concerned at the potentially antisocial side effects of a hot curry... served with cauliflower!> haaaaaaaaaa!
ok maybe i will start posting in here so i stop being so naughty so i can lose my final kilos.

b- 2 cappucinnos (made at home with skim milk) actually had no time and wasnt really hungry for anything else
l- half serve of dukan bread toasted with low fat cheese and herb and garlic salt
d-taco mince with tomato and lettuce (so for once i can eat with the kids)
s-boiled egg, can of pepsi max and hopefully no wine :)
Kids... I see you're having tomato and lettuce in the evening, so you're on a PV day, but where is your salad/veg at lunchtime?

Try to get breakfast in... gets your metabolism going...

(and where's the other half of your oatbran?)

Wine's banned!
morning. Yes wine is banned!
B - scrambly eggs with lavendar salt mmmm
L - not sure yet but probably some tuna salad
D - kebabs. Turkey and cherry toms, mushrooms and yellow pepper and a galette. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
am thinking of brushing some oyster sauce on them before grilling :D
Just eggs Vick? That suffices? (I really need to work at my portion sizes now I'm not in ketosis!!). I'll post my menu in my diary...
yes 2 eggs fills me :D
My stomach has shrunk back and that will do me till lunch!
With people like me though, you say "two eggs", and I shall immediately go and buy GOOSE eggs!
better still!
I am eating off smaller plates now... my tendency to fill plates (horizontally and vertically) is notorious!
ah the only thing i will carry on eating when im full is pizza. I have learnt my 'fullness level' on everything else (apart from alcohol lol) and stop when i am full.
Yesterday was PV
B yogurt with oatbran
L sardines, salad and a bit of smoked salmon
D huge turkey and mushroom curry(onion, tom and powder), SF jelly
First time I'd eaten turkey in about 5 years, was okay.

Today PP (yawn)
B muffins
L tuna, fromage frais w/ vanilla and sweetner
D smoked salmon omlette and hopefully some yogurt if I can get some on the way home.
i love turkey - only started eating it couple of years ago!
Hi, I have been following the diet for nearly 3 weeks now and I have found your forum a great inspiration. I was wondering may I join you please?
Kids... I see you're having tomato and lettuce in the evening, so you're on a PV day, but where is your salad/veg at lunchtime?

Try to get breakfast in... gets your metabolism going...

(and where's the other half of your oatbran?)

Wine's banned!
haha i finally worked out how to quote. The other half of my oatbran i just eat straight from the tablespoon lol and wash it down with water. Most days if i dont take my thyroid tablet early enough and i dont manage to eat my porridge thats how i take the oatbran as im not keen on the gallette and the cake (muffins) i only eat if im on the run.

Having a two and a half yr old, a 15 month old and a ten week old chiuahua puppy i barely have time to organise my food so I eat what i can, when i can!!! Hence why i dont always have veg at lunch on a PV day. And i know wine is banned but it keeps me sane, i have been drinking vodka and coke zero but it gets me to drunk :eek:
morning. how bout making some dukan bread kidsmademefat?

B - scrambled egg
L - ob porridge
d - roast chicken and veg - cauli cheesy mash mmmmm

ex - dunno yet :D
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PV sort of, cant really be bothered but if I manage i will have
B-scrambled egg & mushrooms
L- ham & salad & muller toffee
D- roast beef & veg in a galette
still feeling rough cathy hon?