Can't decide on a PP or PV day so will wait and see how I'm feeling! Ok def a PV day so day before weigh in is PP day ...... B - smoked mackerel L - chicken pieces, ff yoghurt mixed with mild curry powder D - was thinking adapted rosemary conley lasagne with aubergine instead of pasta (if that's allowed). Did lasagne or maybe it was more moussaka (see recipe thread)
Ok so not oatbran so far, have made Dukan bread but very full after tea (ate a lot as very hungry!) may have 1 slice or forego altogether see how it goes it's not even 7pm yet!!
PV today
B um out the window, supposed to be yogurt.
L Salad and tuna and SF jelly and probs breakfast yogurt
D Mince chilli or meatballs with toms, pepper, onion, Rhubarb crumble with yogurt on.
b-didnt get a chance to eat breakfast til about 11.30!!!!!!! but had two thai chicken cakes
l-followed shortly after oabran porridge
d-roast pork and some roast carrots and sweet potato with steamed cabbage and asparagus (felt bad eating it and im sure it wasnt dukan friendly but my god it was tasty and i didnt have any roast potatoes or cauliflower cheese )
Guess i will try better tomorrow since its coming up to weigh in
B - porridge with ginger
L - ham, smoked salmon, hard boiled egg white, chicken leg with salad, carrots to dip in fromage blanc, garlic, parsley
D - beef curry, yogurt
S - fromage blanc
B - oatbran biscuit with smoked mackerel pate
S - rachels low fat vamilla yoghurt
L - chicken marinated in something (I suppose I'd better decide what pretty quickly!)
D - don't know yet
Well Mouse I'm on a real downer over this diet so bought light coconut milk today ....... thought what the heck BUT I'm planning another weigh in tomorrow so maybe should be good as am giving diet one last shot - so maybe ff natural yoghurt or maybe wee splash of the milk and make rest up with yoghurt or skim milk. Have you used anything as a sub?
No I haven't - but I was wondering about skimmed milk and a bit of flavouring, if you can get such a thing? Or how about coconut yoghurt and plain, mixed?
No I haven't - but I was wondering about skimmed milk and a bit of flavouring, if you can get such a thing? Or how about coconut yoghurt and plain, mixed?
You can get coconut flavouring just did a quick google! Never found ff coconut yoghurt can you get it? I did buy some the other week and it was the full fat stuff I did wonder why it tasted so damned fine! Would probably work though hmmmm no time to order the flavouring so might freeze chicken and try it another day.