Dairy Of a Lardy kid aged 43 and 3 quarters...

Thanks girlies :D


That's a total of 12lb in 4 weeks - just need another 2lb next week for my first stone :) no slimmer of the week for me, someone lost 5lb :O but its a massive group with lots of people at target who have lost loads and people who are losing loads, think you have to be pretty amazing to get S.O.W to yourself because its often shared by 2 or 3 :).

Anyway will do a quick update because just got in and need to eat - Friday is notoriously busy for me.

Breakfast: coffee (hexA)

Lunch: slice turkey breast with a huge salad and 2 whole meal rolls (2xhexB) and low fat salad cream (2 syns). Very hungry today!!!

Dinner: a mixed grill something Ive been craving for - with oven baked tomatoes, mushrooms and onions. And a fry-light egg.

I'm going to mix up my days, have a few EE and a few original and a few green days and see what happens because I think when you start craving for things that's when you're in danger of binging or snacking.

Shopping tonight so might be late before I get back on.

Hope you're all having a wonderful Friday :) :)



Boo to the 5lb off person I wanted you to win!!! Next week then chickie - first stone and we will paaaaaarty!!
Thank you for all the lovely congratulations my lovely girlies xxxx

So I've had an original day today for the first time in ages and ages - even before I started the SW plan I very rarely ate meat and today's meat fest has confirmed it once and for all for me that I'm going back to being full on strict vegetarian again. Ive been craving a 'mixed grill' for a while and through experience have realised ignoring cravings results in binges and plan sabotage....anyhooo... within 2 minutes of eating my carefully cooked to perfection lamb cutlet, pork loin steak, sirloin medallion, liver, bacon chop and low-fat sausage with oven baked onions, mushrooms and beef tomatoes I began to feel my stomach turn but carried on eating because (stupid me) I kept thinking that this amount of meat for 2 had cost me near on £12 and I couldn't waste any of it (my thinking of not wasting anything has probably resulted in me being where I am now, over 6 stones overweight).

What surprised me the most was the hubbs told me he preferred it when I cooked vegetarian and even confessed to not being too fussed whether he eats meat ever again!!! :O walking round Asda he was complaining of stomach ache and putting it down to the mixed grill - I think he was just trying to tell me in his own way he wants to be veggie but doesn't want to been seen less manly about it all - men are weird like that.

So the last meat type dish I will be cooking in this house will be a meat and potato pie (a Lancashire hot-pot with a crust) for my youngest son and my eldest son and his gf on Sunday. He's been asking for me to cook one for ages so I gave in and bought the mince and maris pipers tonight. I'm making a hearty veg stew with herb dumplings for me, hubbs and Sally (who is over-joyed because she IS a strict vegetarian and has been since she was 11).

So I'm filled with new gusto and very excited to be getting my cook books out and my herb and spice box (its the size of a child's toy box) :D

Whatever you're doing this snowy Friday evening make sure you remind yourself how lovely you are and enjoy yourself :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wow, that's amazingly good news. :bighug:I've some recipe books on my hard drive if you want to have a look at them. There are some very impressive strong vegans (I know you and hubby isn't thinking of that) who are amazing inspirations if he has any worries about the manliness of not eating meat. Have a look at the Engine 2 firefighters, hunks of healthy vegan firefighters ... might be nice for you to look at as well as show him. If you want to of course. The official strongest man in Germany is vegan, have a look at this - Patrik Baboumian – The Herbivore Strongman
Wow, that's amazingly good news. :bighug:I've some recipe books on my hard drive if you want to have a look at them. There are some very impressive strong vegans (I know you and hubby isn't thinking of that) who are amazing inspirations if he has any worries about the manliness of not eating meat. Have a look at the Engine 2 firefighters, hunks of healthy vegan firefighters ... might be nice for you to look at as well as show him. If you want to of course. The official strongest man in Germany is vegan, have a look at this - Patrik Baboumian – The Herbivore Strongman

Do you know I just love reading your posts, you are so informative and supportive and seem to be a very well read lady and I have been glad to meet yu on here xxx
Do you know I just love reading your posts, you are so informative and supportive and seem to be a very well read lady and I have been glad to meet yu on here xxx

Aw, sweetie. Thanks.
Wow, that's amazingly good news. :bighug:I've some recipe books on my hard drive if you want to have a look at them. There are some very impressive strong vegans (I know you and hubby isn't thinking of that) who are amazing inspirations if he has any worries about the manliness of not eating meat. Have a look at the Engine 2 firefighters, hunks of healthy vegan firefighters ... might be nice for you to look at as well as show him. If you want to of course. The official strongest man in Germany is vegan, have a look at this - Patrik Baboumian - The Herbivore Strongman

OMG! Another weird moment (see my post on mals dairy for the first weird moment) ...my hubbs is a bit of a gym bunny without going the gym, he's a plumber and carries radiators two at a time etc and boilers and full on porcelain baths - he's basically built like a brick sh!t house, totally into the strongest man stuff - once applied for ITV's gladiators but resigned after his knee op he'd been waiting for came through (he fell off his motorbike ripped his knee cap and ligaments) anyhoo...we were only talking about this the other day - typically the kids where winding each other up and Sam was teasing Sally for being a girl and being a cabbage (his term for vegetarian)and being weak because of it :D then Tony piped up with all this info about the worlds strongest man and veganism... We all shut up that quick it was awkward....so Micci maybe I've misread his signals, maybe he ain't uncomfortable about it at all and your post made me think different. I would LOVE your recipes and thank you so much for offering <big hugs> xxxxxxx

OK, will have a hunt in my files. In the meantime here is a blog from a lovely woman who is on a Yahoo group I am on, lots of SW friendly recipes here. They are vegan, but apart from any biase I might have (me, biased ???? lol) it is a common error for new veggies to turn to cheese and eggs for their main source of protein which is not terribly healthy. Better to get a balance. Amazing, your hubby looks like he's been doing some thinking and investigating. A good comeback for your Sally (how's her foot now?) would be to point out that gorrillas and elephants are almost totally v*gan. Gorrillas do go for the odd small rodent apparantly but elephants only get snails and bugs in very small quantities by accident. Although she might not aspire to being quite like them, they sure aren't weak!

Recipe Index | recipe from FatFree Vegan Kitchen

Ps, yes, I saw your post on Mal's diary. Amazing coincidence. What a lovely friendship has grown beween you two.
Can you cope with RAR files? I've not got facilities for the normal ZIP compression. Might be able to cope with it uncompressed but it's a longer download obviously.
I'm solely shackled to my iPhone now after my iPad died and my PC decided to go slower than a snail on weed - so don't know what files or stuff I can access or accommodate xxx

Ok, I don't know what these new fangled phones can do, I had and Android but never bothered to put in the learning time necessary. Maybe I should Just give you links to blogs for now.
Ok, I don't know what these new fangled phones can do, I had and Android but never bothered to put in the learning time necessary. Maybe I should Just give you links to blogs for now.

That sounds good and I can read them at my leisure tomorrow :) xxxx

The curried cauliflower and sweet potato soup will be happening here on Sunday though! :) xxx


Two of my favourites I've not had for ages, but I've just remembered I cut up a sweet potato and put it in the microwave this afternoon because I was going to put it in houmus, apparantly it gives a better texture to tinned chickpeas, garlic and lemon juice. Which is, quite frankly, not a patch on the supermarket version.
Isn't the writing really really small on a phone?

No it's ok because I access minimins through a app but changing my weight loss and signature means I have to go onto the desktop site which requires lots of careful tweaking on here. I can't use any of the emoticons or read them if they're put in a comment to me. I can do either smiley grinny winking or sad xxx

Oh, right. I sent you a sort of hugging smiley a while back.