Purpled said:I think aldi has cheap fruit an veg doesn't it??
I love the premade salads in asda!
But I'm not much use....I shop in tesco, farm or my back garden lol
How are you?
Purpled said:Well you can make your own pizza in asda!!
Who knows when my TOTM will be! There all over the place. Very annoying!
Atomic pink said:Your dinner from last night sounds awesome! Very jealous right now.
Are you feeling a bit less "meh" today?
Purpled said:No weeklies used! You use the least weeklies out of all the people I follow on here!
Becktoria79 said:But you didn't have it so Yeay! My totm came unexpectedly on Sunday, I'm blaming it for struggling to get back on track! X
Purpled said:TOTM sucks!
Well done on resisting he curlywurly!
Purpled said:What you upto daisy?
I'm home alone....watching Paranormal Activity 3. It's a bit slow so far!
Purpled said:It was kinda boring. I saw the first on a flight to Australia, 2nd at a friends. I think I've missed half the storyline. The 3rd kinda explained it. Im not sure if I believe in ghost, but if there real then I'm haunted. Our shower has turned itself on twice in a month. Haha......I think we need a plumber lol!