Hi all, thanks for your replies I really love to read them
Ellebear, I still can't believe my weight loss comes to 100lb! It seems such a big amount, but i have found the road here very enjoyable, and very easy to follow. Back in September if I had been told I would have lost this much already I wouldn't have believed it, and yet now I have no doubt I will lose whatever else I need to lose in order to get to goal weight by the Summer

Just stick to the plan, trust it, and do a bit of exercise along the way, and you will be writing about your 100lb loss before you know it!
I've had an odd week in terms of weight loss. As you all know I am naughty and weigh myself every day (guilty hehe). The day after my weigh in last week I was 1lb less than I had been the day before - great start to the week I thought lol. But then from that point on my weight didn't really move - just up/down the same ½lb. But then this morning I had am amazing weigh in - an extra 3lb less than I had been all week. Happy Days, just in time for weigh in this evening
Sadly though the scales at weigh in didn't agree, and I showed a loss of only ½lb! I was expecting more of course, but still content with a loss. I have had this before when I have had slow weeks, and also where my scales at home have predicted more than the scales at WI have shown - and it has always evened out the following week.
Weight is only one side-effect of my efforts, and should not be looked at in isolation - thought it is a very easy and useful guage for sure.
My body is the best shape it has ever been in, I have even found myself admiring myself in the mirror LMAO which I have never done before in my entire life. Some days I struggle to believe it is even my body I am looking at!
I think that is quite enough of "I love me" for now, lol, but right now I really could go on and on about it.
My 'new' work coat which I only started to wear a couple of weeks ago is already getting too big; The belt I picked up from the High Street shop not long ago and could only get into the biggest hole is already in the smallest hole, and could do with me making more holes in already; Even my shoes are getting too big!!
I took some clothes down the charity shop the other day, including a very tasty Ben Shurman suit and my favourite suede (ish) coat, all too big. Kinda broke my heart to lose some of my favourite clothes but they are part of the old me, and no good to the new me at all.
I am planning on a trip to the McArthur Glen outlet centre in Ashford on Good Friday to get some jeans, boxers and maybe some trainers. I had planned on not buying any clothes until I reached goal weight but my physical transformation has been so drastic that I haven't really got a choice. Any excuse eh?
I hope you're all enjoying your journey, and appreciating all the positive differences it is making to your lives.
Trust the plan ♥