I distinctly recall writing in my last log that I wasn't going to go mad yesterday ... seems I was miles off the mark!
The day started well enough, with my favourite Weetabix breakfast, then we had decided to have some of our favourite cookies after the indian (make the most of an evening off plan), and as we had guests coming over I bought extra ones so we had plenty to go around - I bought four packs (5 in each). I guess by now alarm bells should have been ringing, but I was still blissfully unaware of how weak I was in the company of those oat and raisin temptations.
Fast forward less than an hour or so, and I was already ploughing through one of the packs. Within another hour I had eaten THREE packs!! That's fifteen cookies. There's no denying they are gorgeous but I felt like I could have just carried on and on and on all day and the only thing preventing me from eating the fourth pack was that my wife beat me to them!
Then, and I really can't rationalise the reason for it, we decided that we ought to go and get a baguette and a freshly cooked chicken and make some big rolls for lunch. This in itself wouldn't have been SO bad except that I had already had my lunch. And the cookies. And by now wasn't hungry, but something inside me lusted for more naughty food, so off we went to Morrissons, picked up 2 baguettes and a hot chicken - AND a cooked sausage thing too as they looked good, came home, and scoffed the lot.
In the evening of course we had our indian and it went down so easily, it was delicious of course and the company was great, but the only reason I stopped eating was because I was shattered and went up to bed.
I used to be like that, every day. Just eating on impulse, any rubbish I fancied. In fact, I am still pretty much like that any time I am not dieting. I don't seem to have any kind of internal regulation switch, or moderation gauge that tells me when enough is enough. I need the structure of Slimming World around me to prevent me from just pigging out all the time.
I have looked back over my food plans, and noticed that previously when I wanted to have a special occassion meal I would drop my syns on the run up to it, go syn free on the day of it, and basically flexi-syn the treat - that is to say have the off-plan meal on-plan as it were. Doing that means I retain the structure and guidance of Slimming World, but don't run the risk of gorging myself all day long for no reason.
Whereas yesterday, and also on a couple of other occassions, I have just decided to come off plan altogether, and that is when my 'treat' becomes something entirely unacceptable.
This morning I am 18st 5¾lb, 5¼lb more than I was on the morning of my WI Tuesday. That's on average more than a lb on every day since then. Scary how quick I can undo all my hard work. I can't complain about the weight gain, it is no more than I deserve. In fact, I feel as though I have gotten away lightly as it could so easily have been more.
New day today. All my indiscretions are in the past. I have learned from them, developed my game plan, but I won't dwell on them.
I've just had my breakfast, Weetabix. I'm having my dinner at lunchtime which will be Quorn madras with pilau rice, and taking my 'lunch' to work with me to have later - savoury rice, boiled eggs, some fruit, etc. Back to the plan 100% no exception.
On Friday 19 March I am out for the day with guys from work to celebrate and enjoy the Cheltenham Gold Cup. We'll be in a pub from lunchtime through the evening. I am going to have breakfast before I leave for the pub, and have dinner at home after. Not sure about lunch yet, I imagine I will go without as I won't want to miss any of the races. I will take some on-plan snacky stuff that is easy and quick to eat to keep me going. Drinks wise I will be on vodka/diet coke as it is better syn-wise than lagers. I will be reducing my syn intake for the couple of days leading to it, and go syn free on the day except for the vodkas then back on plan properly again the next day.