Strange day today, felt cold, even though i have turned the heating up and had it on constant. Very unlike me. I have thermometers everywhere in the flat (well, 3, one external and 2 internal) due to not being able to sense temperature properly. The only time i know i am cold usually is when my hands start to ache. I keep an eye on the thermometers because they tell me more than what the body can. But its very unusual for me to be cold. Oh well, plenty of hot food to try to warm me up. Portion controlled of course.
Had some more of the tomato soup that i made for Sunday. Seems to be even nicer after being left in the fridge. The problem is that it wasn't enough when i only had the 25g of cereal suggested for a breakfast portion. I added a chopped up orange to it just to make it a little more exciting. Actually, its swiss style cereal, akin to dust from a wheat field, it was a lot more exciting with the orange.
So, after the soup i had a chocolate orange muller light, a banana, and an apple. Lots of fruit. I do better with fruit than i do with veg currently. It was a lot easier at the parents due to them growing their own veg, there was always something to chop up to boost the plate. Now it is awkward, seriously need my driving licence back. I probably would pop to Asda most days for fresh stuff.
In between breakfast and lunch i had a fruit and grain bar. They are not cited as being low in syns but i am not worried about that at the moment. Its more about the portion control than the food i actually eat. An experiment in what i have been thinking was best all along. Only time will tell.
Dinner, on a whim, i poured some rice into a pan, added a chicken stock cube, frozen sweetcorn and peas, and a pinch of salt along with boiling water to cover. Boiled for 20 minutes, added a chopped up carrot (gave it 3 mins in the micro to soften it first), some left over roasted pork from yesterday and chopped mushrooms, and gave it another 10 minutes in the pan.
After leaving it in the pan for 15 minutes, lid on, tea towel between the pan and lid (catches the steam to help dry the rice a bit, apparently) i fried two beaten eggs in the pan until set like scrambled egg, added a large splash of soy sauce, and then a portion of the rice. Fried it off for a few minutes, and then placed into a serving bowl, and demolished. haha. (i went back for more but just the rice mix, not with the egg and soy, naughty boy).
The portions have been purposely small today, but that has given me a safety net in that if i get hungry again between now and bed time i can have another small bowl of rice. I am trying to teach my stomach to cope with smaller portions. I know it works as i have done it before. Its not more than a few days before the body forgets to carry on the habit of "thinking" it needs food.
Eating is a means of survival, the body only needs what will keep it going. Alas a hell of a lot of us think it needs so much more than what it actually does, and we become fat. (overweight, for the pc people out there
