Really, and who do you suppose made that rod for her own back Mother?
He would get bread and jam in my house, and told to make his own if he didnt like it. :8855:
Well the proof is in the pudding as they say lol
Im not a massive Quark lover ( I think it tastes gritty lol) but I have to say my "cheesecake" was lush
Did you use the Golden Acre brand Sheila ?
Kay xx
I used whatever make it is that Asda sells Kay? Ive no idea of the make hun lol. Its the only one I could get my hands on when I went shopping
yep that's the oneits the best for cheesecake other Quark brands are too watery and don't set as well. (sorry for hijacking daz
Kay xx
I think ive been hit with the same bat my eyes are so sore :-(
hot choccy sounds good Daz