Someone was mentioning clearing out her OH's stuff and I had to laugh. Some men are so bad about hoarding.
My friend (the one I refer to ad CFF) is always sneaking her OH's ratty shirts to the thrift store or recycling. He has sooooo many shirts. It is crazy. He loves to comb the sales racks and buys them up cheaply. But he DOES NOT need any. He keeps saying that one day he'll be retired and on a fixed income, but he'll have plenty of shirts!!! If they ever do a shirt focused Hoarders he should be on it.
Our biggest issue has been paperwork and I have shredded over 30 brown paper bags of old files. We had taped shut boxes with 30 year old paperwork. If has been a walk down memory lane and I was little sad shredding all the insurance paperwork and bills from the kids' births (my hospital bill from my DD was over 18,000 Deutsche Marks), but I cannot keep everything.
I am trying to be brutal - but I know that once I am done (and we stay on top of it), I'll need to try and do another shred-fest. However, after the files and shredding are done I want to get photos organized. And get back to scrapbooking, putting into albums, getting scanned onto memory sticks or CDs, etc.
Lots of boxes of craft stuff to go through, too.
Plus, a lot of DD's toys need to go. I want her involved with this, so it may wait until summer. I
am determined to try eBay selling.