Sunday 21st July
My food diary today is a bit unusual... something strange happened today... I FORGOT to have lunch!!! I was sitting outside with a couple of my neighbours and we were so busy having a laugh and gossiping that by the time I went in it was past 3 o'clock. Now this never happens - I am usually a midday lunch kind of girl, sometimes even 11.30! It threw me because then I didn't know whether to have a late lunch or early dinner. I went for the early dinner which really filled me up, which left me lots of pp for snacking

. I know it's not healthy to miss a meal, and it probably won't happen again. I was gobsmacked, I couldn't believe my tummy didn't tell me it was lunchtime. Maybe it was the walk to the shops this morning? Who knows! Anyway, here is todays food:
Breakfast - 2 slices Warburtons Toastie (from small loaf) = 4 pp
15g smooth peanut butter = 3 pp
Dinner - Weight Watchers lasagne = 6 pp
Lovely big salad took up half the plate = 0 pp
2 tbsp Lighter than light mayo = 1 pp
2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce = 1 pp
25g crispy onions = 4 pp
Weight Watchers Lemon Cheesecake = 5 pp
NuMe Raspberry Fruit bar = 3 pp
Tobelerone 35g = 5 pp
1 bottle of Coors Light lager = 3 pp
Walkers salt & vinegar french fries = 2 pp
Total pp used today = 37
Weeklys used = 5
Weeklys left = 4
Phew I made it through my first week, without any dramas. I actually enjoyed it! Can't wait to find out what the results of my effort will be tomorrow. I am taking mum food shopping in the morning, then straight off to WI. I will be on tomorrow afternoon to let you know how I get on. Thanks for all your help and encouragement this first week ladies x