Hi all, sorry I haven't been on for a few days, it has been a bit hectic, but I am back now and can gladly report that I lost 1.5lbs, and received my first 'sticky 7' half a stone award, not bad in 2 weeks! I am very happy with that. I had a friend staying at the weekend that I haven't seen for years and we got a bit carried away with the wine and chinese... and chocolate on Saturday and then we went to Southend Sunday and ended up having Wimpy followed by ice cream... I had saved my weeklies because I knew I was going to be naughty. I didn't even count points for those two days, but obviously I must have done something right because I still had a loss! I didn't weigh in on Monday because my daughter (she lost half a pound btw) has got a temporary job for 6 weeks which means we will be going to a WW group on a Tues evening from now on. Am off to have a nice big bubble bath now, but will put yesterday's and today's food diaries up after. I am not even going to attempt to tell you exactly what I had at the weekend, I am just going to carry on as if it never happened!! Got to stay focused now, I really want to be in the next stone down within a couple of weeksx
Sounds as though you had a fab weekend SweetieWell Done on your 1.5lb Loss and your daughters 0.5lb Loss, you're both doing fab! Keep up the hard work. What do you have planned with your Weeklies for this Week? X
I have had some of my weeklies today, but am going to try and save some for Saturday as I am out for the night, just at my local working mens club (are they still called that? social club sounds better I think!). Will probably be downing a few glasses of red wine, or may just have JD & diet cokes, will have to see how the mood takes me!
Food Diary - Monday 29th July 2013
Breakfast - 2 slices Warburtons Toastie, toasted = 4 pp
15g peanut butter = 3 pp
Lunch - 1/2 a tin of Tesco light choices chicken & sweetcorn soup = 2 pp
1 x Weight Watchers petit pain = 3 pp
Dinner - Weight Watchers steam & serve sweet mango chicken (really nice) = 7 pp
Weight Watchers sticky toffee pudding = 4 pp
Small 'squirt' of NuMe reduced fat cream = 1 pp
WW chocolate mini roll = 2 pp
Handful of fresh cherries = 0 pp
Snickers ice cream bar = 3 pp
Bag of Roysters = 4 pp
1 x WW chocolate digestive = 1 pp
Total pp used today = 34
Went 2 over daily allowance
Food diary Tuesday 30th July 2013
Breakfast - 2 slices Warburtons Toastie, toasted = 4 pp
1 tsp Clover lighter = 1 pp
15g WW raspberry jam = 1 pp
Lunch - 4 slices Warburtons Toastie = 4 pp
2 slices Lowlow cheese slices for toasties = 2 pp
Special K cracker crisps sour cream & chives = 3 pp (won't be having them again!)
WW mini Victoria sponge = 3 pp
Handful of cherries = 0 pp
Dinner - Weight Watchers Pepperoni pizza = 13 pp
Dark chocolate Bounty = 8 pp (mmmmmmm)
Pack of WW barbeque crisp things at the meeting because I was really hungry = 2 pp
Total pp used today: 42
Weeklies used today: 11
Weeklies remaining: 35
When I put my new weight into the online weight tracker it said 'congratulations you have lost half a stone' then it told me my dailies had gone down a point, boo! Also I am a bit confused because I weighed in at a different class on a different day, I am not sure when I should have been counting my weeklies from, Monday or Tuesday, I don't suppose it really matters that much though. Am out shopping with mum tomorrow I think, so will be taking the EOG with me. MUST STAY FOCUSED!!
I think your Weeklies run WI to WI? So if you're now going on tuesday they would be tuesday to tuesday? Sorry to hear you lost 1pp, think how you'll feel when u are down into the 20pps!!! Hope u have a nice time with your Mum, fingers crossed you make a good choice with the help of your EOG! X
I think I will be ecstatically happy actually because that will mean I am closer to target!! x
Food diary Weds 31st July 2013
Breakfast - 30g Frosties = 3 pp
142ml Semi-skimmed milk = 2 pp
Lunch - McDonalds..................................... Chicken and bacon salad - that's a first haha! = 4 pp
Dinner - M&S Count On Us Cottage Pie = 9 pp
Runner beans = 0 pp
WW chocolate mini roll = 2 pp
WW choc chip biscuits (2pack) = 2 pp
Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream = 7 pp
Walkers Mighty Lights = 3 pp
2 x Metcalfe's Skinny Rice Crackers - Dark Chocolate = 5 pp
30g cheddar cheese = 3 pp
Total pp used today: 40
Weeklies used today: 9
Weeklies remaining: 26
I had one of those nights where I couldn't stop myself picking! I know I have my weeklies to use but I am really trying to save some for Saturday night for alcohol! My breakfast, lunch and dinner were really good then I blew it in the evening. Oh well, no real harm done.
I actually queued up in McDonald's and got a salad. I was so impressed with myself that I took a photo of it, have a look, I expect that I am not the only one that has never ever seen a McDonald's salad before! I really enjoyed it and would defo have it again.
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=101411"/>
It's going to be hot hot hot today. I have a rare day indoors today, apart from taking and picking Louise up from work, so I am going to be doing housework today, strangely I am looking forward to being home alone, music turned up dancing whilst working away... maybe it's the 2 very strong cups of coffee I have just had haha!
I saw those Rice Crackers in a shop yesterday, I wasn't sure if they were worth the pp? What's your verdict? X
I got them in Poundland, they were really nice... I had to stop myself at 2, could have easily eaten the whole pack! x
i have, after my planned dinner 9 pp left, i was all thinking of having popcorn weighed of course now i'm heading for a wispa at 6pp!! really like one off a shelf in a shop? lol you've just made my week cx