Here it is.... the CRAVINGS that come with the hormones!!! Argh!! fighting it!!!
Tomorrow is my day off so need to get lots of things planned to keep me occupied and out of the kitchen!!! Eeeek!!!!
Great approach! Good luck!You're doing so well x inspirational! So much so, I'm going to give it another go starting in the morning! One day at a time x
You can do it hun!!! Frist few days.... the odd akins bar got me through...
Feeling a bit better today!!! Busy day!! x
Yep! I'm on it today-the rest of my life has gone to sh*t so figured I need to do something about the bit I can control x
Oh no chick!!! Are you ok??? X
Nopelost my job! Just for sticking up for myself when someone was nasty to me!!
Deezer (found you again, I keep deleting my subscriptions - by accident!) you are doing really well! I'm thinking of using the paleo/primal once I fully start introducing food on S&S. I read Cavegirl's thread and she's done this for some time. Her photo meals look fab! Welshtiggger, I'm so sorry to hear about your job. It is possible you can seek legal advice about it? You can go to the Citizens Advice Bureau for free advice? I know it is awful but I am so glad you stuck up for yourself. I spent too many years never standing up for myself in my job. I'd never sit back and not stand up for myself ever again.