Gold Member
Now, I hate being a nag - well no I dont actually
Stress in the extreme is THE worst thing that the human body and mind can endure. Stress is a necessary part of life, it's what spurs us to action and a healthy dose of preasure is good BUT the worst from of it BURNOUT - is very very, bad. Getting physically ill because of feeling like you have to "put up and shut up" is no workplace culture that is conducive to you being able to take mat leave that will be restful, and that you will return from when the time comes. I know you mentioned your head is a meglomaniac with narcasistic tendencies, but you have a right to effective stress management AND not to fear taking this on and jeapordising your career or T&C's.
I know you are in the union and your taking on the rep's mantle, so while you are awaiting the counting of eggs and chickens, I would tackle this situation. AT least you A) wont get too sick by avoiding acknowledging how ill this is actually making you or B) You are making things better for if you do go on MAT leave and need to return, since with a baby in tow this usually gets much harder to manage.
What's your HR department like? (Dont ignore me this time
, out of genuine concern, this needs dealing with, you cant get tummy problems each week before work for the rest of your days)
Now, I hate being a nag - well no I dont actually
Stress in the extreme is THE worst thing that the human body and mind can endure. Stress is a necessary part of life, it's what spurs us to action and a healthy dose of preasure is good BUT the worst from of it BURNOUT - is very very, bad. Getting physically ill because of feeling like you have to "put up and shut up" is no workplace culture that is conducive to you being able to take mat leave that will be restful, and that you will return from when the time comes. I know you mentioned your head is a meglomaniac with narcasistic tendencies, but you have a right to effective stress management AND not to fear taking this on and jeapordising your career or T&C's.
I know you are in the union and your taking on the rep's mantle, so while you are awaiting the counting of eggs and chickens, I would tackle this situation. AT least you A) wont get too sick by avoiding acknowledging how ill this is actually making you or B) You are making things better for if you do go on MAT leave and need to return, since with a baby in tow this usually gets much harder to manage.
What's your HR department like? (Dont ignore me this time