Hi everyone, love this thread
Last year i started aqua fit and really enjoyed it but then got really ill and all exercise stopped then i had my gallbladder removed so couldn't do much after. Its done me the world of good though and slowly but surely I'm building up my strength
Started first by doing more around the house than i was i.e sweeping up laminate flooring, washing skirting boards, heavy washing etc...
Then started taking stairs instead of lifts in shops/friends buildings.
Today i went for a walk to local park with my boys on scooter, borrowed a friends dog to walk too

(this is a massive achievement for me as not walked anywhere in literally months. Whoop!
Its helped me stay focused this week too as started back SW last week after gaining 2 stones after losing 1.5stone grrr! Lol I shall get it off! Walk by walk, stair by stair!!! Then i will start aqua fit/swimming to support my joints (weak from heaviness) again yay
So thats my plan, but we are all different and its great to read about other peoples journeys of body magic so will read this often

well done everyone!!!!