Awwww M

big cuddles love xxx
I suppose its times like this when you've got to be honest with yourself ask the questions why am I doing this course? Where will it get me? Will I be better off financially? Will it take me to where I want to be in 5 years time?...
If its not going to make your life/environment/ financial circumstances improve any for doing it then maybe you need to consider that your time for you now is more important.
You work so hard all week every week, you need you time or even just time to zone out stare at the walls lay in bed watching random telly or listen to nonsense, read a good book, go the cinema, drink wine get drunk go to bed late have a weekend lie in and put 2 fingers up to the world and his significant other. I'm not surprised you're hissed off with stuff at the moment chuck, seems a very steep penalisation system and not very good tutor administration and support

Step back from it - and when you're ready ask yourself the questions and give yourself the honest answers.
You're only human love - full time job and study and dieting and exercise and whizzing up and down to London regularly and having to cook and clean and everything in between..
You're not immortal, you matter, much more than all this.
Draw a line under the syn thing, get through today in whatever way gets you through and start again tomorrow
And if all else fails go and tell them all to eff off! ;D