Thanks for the info Thumeloulou. I'm going to try the oatbran porridge for sure. That's a heck of a difference in the fibre department. I keep meaning to get some lemon as I read somewhere that it can boost your wl. I remember my mum doing that when I was a kid. She said it was to retrain her taste buds so that she didn't crave sweet stuff.
EE really is easy when you get the hang of it. You have to have a third of your meal as super free ffuit of veg and you can put what ever you like on the rest of your plate ( free food or from your syn allowance of course). The point of having a third free foods is to help you control your portions. C's often don't emphasise this enough I think. People will say they can eat a whole chicken, pound of pasta etc- but of course they can't because they must have the equivalent or more in veg !
At the end of the day it doesn't matter which plan though does it? The important thing is to stick to it and be honest with ourselves. If you have Red and Green works for you there's no need to change.
You're doing well- good luck
Keep going... Your food dairys are looking fab!!! You have started back up so please stop being so negative with yourself! You will get back into to it and it will feel like it was when did it in 2005!!! You'll get to your goal weight in no time and there is plenty of support on here to help you xxx
Thanks for the support lovelyI don't think I realised my negativity with myself... It comes naturally to reassure others, but I didn't realise I was down on me... Been a hard few years, I guess it gets ingrained.. must start believing in myself again.