It was very nice.
So decided that today and tomorrow I would try and use loads of weeklies. I have a BBQ so will enjoy that and then stick to dailies Tuesday to Friday. It's how I used to do it and had good results.
Am gutted can't afford to go swimming at the moment do not sure what I will do on the exercise front but maybe some walking at lunchtimes in work.
Anyway today's plan is:
Breakfast - 2 slices white bread with peanut butter - 9pp
1/4 pint of milk for tea - 2pp
Lunch - not sure yet as not long had breakfast but possibly poached eggs, mushrooms and beans - 6pp or am omelette and beans
Dinner - chicken in white wine sauce with roast potatoes (done in fry light) and frozen veg which includes peas and sweetcorn - 15pp
32/30pp but will try and have some treats to use more weeklies. Plan is for 25 weeklies today and tomorrow!!